Half-life 2 engine experience!


Mar 3, 2004

This fellow got to play Counter-strike: Source (the counter-strike 1 port to the half-life 2 engine) and said it ran supremely on a Dell Dimension mid tower, P4 2.8C processor, 1gb DDR400, and a >>> Radeon 9800XT <<< video card with a resolution of 1920x1200. no lag even in the big dog fights. i am seriously excited about this (now) upper mid-range graphics option being able to successfully wow this guy.

great read other then that great bit of info
I dont think anybody with a 9800 class card and 2.8 proc would worried about their performance
but what I most noteably noted (???) was the crappyness of the Apple 23" cinema display.
ya i saw that and i actually played on the same computer when i playtested half life 2 at valve a couple weeks ago... if you dont believe me go to halflife2.net my username on the message boards is merc just search for the thread called trip to valve...

Damn that's pretty sweet if its gonna be playing well at those resolutions on a 9800. A lot of cs users don't have ultra powerful systems, so counterstrike on the hl2 engine being able to scale down and still look well is extremely appreciated.
The game will run on any mid ranged system now, It will run fine on any Radeon 9600 series and up.

No competitive CS player like myself runs at any resolution higer than 1024x768 so it really doesnt matter.

I myself run at 800X600 I ahve a 9600T in cs 1.6

My brother has a 6800 GT and he runs at 640x480 so I mean it doesent matter really

Nobody good plays with CS at High resolutions
Wow, those photos of a computer display were, umm, inspiring. Not that the cinema displays (previous gen) were great for gaming as far as pixel response but they weren't the worse either. Anyway, not a very strong article to base much on.
vinny77 said:
My brother has a 6800 GT and he runs at 640x480 so I mean it doesent matter really
I hope he is running the 16xS ( http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=30641 ) AA atleast. My friend does that in cs too, 640x480 all the way. I never understood it, I guess it has to do with mouse dpi and onscreen, but even if I did play cs I don't think I could stand giving up my resolution for a (perceived or real) competitive advantage.
It just makes, you a better player. I think shots are easier to make

Big heads Big cross hard
Small head small crosshair

I think the Big head with the bigger chrosshair is easier to make the shot

Also the Hit boxes are bigger in lower resolutions

and yes AA and AF are up all the way
Head size doesn't change as the resolution changes. I proved this in an article I wrote a long time ago.
Oh yes it does, if it doesnt prove it. I know for a fact it does. When the resolution goes up everything gets smaller
kuyaglen said:
I dont think anybody with a 9800 class card and 2.8 proc would worried about their performance
but what I most noteably noted (???) was the crappyness of the Apple 23" cinema display.

crappyness of a cinema display? please - i have a 23" cinema display sitting in front of me on my desk right now and i can guarantee you it's not "crappy." apple has some of the best displays available, have you ever seen one with your virgin eyes? they will melt when you gaze upon its supremeness.

crappy display... :rolleyes:
vinny77 said:
Oh yes it does, if it doesnt prove it. I know for a fact it does. When the resolution goes up everything gets smaller
Not in a game bub, just because your icons on a desktop get smaller, doesn't mean that the same thing happens in a video game.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
looks fake :rolleyes:

thats what i thought..

that image of CS looks photoshopped onto the screen...

is that quoted res of 1920x1200 even true? Thats not a 16:9 res....
Syphon Filter said:
thats what i thought..

that image of CS looks photoshopped onto the screen...

is that quoted res of 1920x1200 even true? Thats not a 16:9 res....

1920x1200 is native on the 23" cinema display
Idk I just looked at a game in 800x600 and then in 1600x11200 and the game is alot smaller
LOL that looks so fake for sure :p

If CS look like that with HL2 engine, man it's gonna suck very badly :p Bothe HL2 and CS will suck if graphics really looks like that :p At first I thought those two screens were CS with HL1 and I bet on it, that's fake :p HL2 engine is not going to look like shit ok? hahahahaha

Good Try Though! LOL!!! Nearly piss my pant if HL2 engine turns out that crap.
vinny77 said:
Idk I just looked at a game in 800x600 and then in 1600x11200 and the game is alot smaller

are you sure the models and maps are smaller or just the text/HUD items like health and stuff?
Everything, wouldent it have to get smaller to fit alot more pixels on the. I noptice that it gets smaller and more compressed
KakimotoR said:
LOL that looks so fake for sure :p

If CS look like that with HL2 engine, man it's gonna suck very badly :p Bothe HL2 and CS will suck if graphics really looks like that :p At first I thought those two screens were CS with HL1 and I bet on it, that's fake :p HL2 engine is not going to look like shit ok? hahahahaha

Good Try Though! LOL!!! Nearly piss my pant if HL2 engine turns out that crap.
I hope you're just being sarcastic... otherwise, go troll somewhere else n00b!
Those images are SO fake. And it is so sad to see all those people in that thread to think that that picture is actually from cs with source engine.... :rolleyes:

Why would the author take pictures with a camera when he could just printscreen... Unbelievable
chr|stoph said:

This fellow got to play Counter-strike: Source (the counter-strike 1 port to the half-life 2 engine) and said it ran supremely on a Dell Dimension mid tower, P4 2.8C processor, 1gb DDR400, and a >>> Radeon 9800XT <<< video card with a resolution of 1920x1200. no lag even in the big dog fights. i am seriously excited about this (now) upper mid-range graphics option being able to successfully wow this guy.

great read other then that great bit of info

Sounds like a bunch of Bull to me :rolleyes:
LOL- The instant I saw it I also said fake, but hey..

Some 13year old kid having fun at everyones expence in that thread if you ask me. :p

vinny77 said:
Everything, wouldent it have to get smaller to fit alot more pixels on the. I noptice that it gets smaller and more compressed

You are not realizing what happens in a resolution change, the actual image of the game stays the same, the computer just builds it with more pixels, allowing more detail.

Having a higher resolution does not change the size of the in-game image at all, it just increases the amount of detail; the only reason you'd want a lower resolution is if you wanted higher framerates.
exactly, changing the resolution does *not* make things smaller. The only thing that gets smaller is the HUD, and the HUD looks better smaller anyway imo.
denaps said:
crappyness of a cinema display? please - i have a 23" cinema display sitting in front of me on my desk right now and i can guarantee you it's not "crappy." apple has some of the best displays available, have you ever seen one with your virgin eyes? they will melt when you gaze upon its supremeness.

crappy display... :rolleyes:
Lol. I'm glad apple finally replaced them because anyone who had a clue knew they were out of date and slipping compared to modern displays that are a lot better ( and cheaper). The cinema displays were at least 2 years old and really couldn't compete. If you think they could you should get your eyes examined. And I work in labs with 30 of them, all calibrated. In fact I calibrated some of them. There's a lot of displays I'd rather have.
Yep, the game and environment don't decrease in size, just the interface. So, actually running at a low resolution hurts your ability since more of the screen is taken up by the HUD.
The models remain the same exact size. The only difference is the size of the HUD and how much of the FOV is blocked by the zoomed in sniper sprites. And of course, it's less jaggy at high resolution.

This was a common misconception way back when and I wrote an article on DoG about it since nobody knew what they were talking about. I thought that finally brang an end to that argument... guess it didn't.
even though CS:S runs good at 1920 on that setup doesn't mean hl2 will. hl2 will have MUCH more detailed scenes, not to mention complicated AI.
well the hud gets smaller because it's a sprite, scaling it would make it blurry because you are making pixels out of nothing. Now polygons are a different matter. They stay the same size just that they are "made of" more pixels. But like I said my theory has to do with mouse movements.
denaps said:
crappyness of a cinema display? please - i have a 23" cinema display sitting in front of me on my desk right now and i can guarantee you it's not "crappy." apple has some of the best displays available, have you ever seen one with your virgin eyes? they will melt when you gaze upon its supremeness.

crappy display... :rolleyes:

I was referring to the reviewer's description of the LCD's latency...I was surprised that they
were described as slow...thats why thast what I most notably noted. And I've seen plenty
since there's a Mac store at the mall, just that there's no one gaming on them...unless you
consider iMovie a game.

Dont be quick to not read between the lines.
rayg said:
exactly, changing the resolution does *not* make things smaller. The only thing that gets smaller is the HUD, and the HUD looks better smaller anyway imo.

Yup... Smaller HUD, better HS aim.. :p
But than, I am the crazy fool who plays with mouse sensitivity 4 with MX700 and don't mind 100fps @ 1280xsomething... (i forgot).
My goal in that game... rush till i wipe help the team out... (happens every few round) Still haven't figured out how to shoot awp right after year of playing but got darned good at dodging it.
I run the beta half-life 2 on:

P4 2.6ghz 512mb , Geforce 2 Mx

And i get 30-35 fps with 800x600

Half-life2 engine is realy damn fast