HalfLife2: Episode 2 - what's the story!?

el rolio

Jul 8, 2004
hey folks,

i wanted to get a recap on whats happening with episode 2? why is it delayed again? simply cuz of the new functionality they wanted to put in with the extra hdr and physics and multiprocessor support and portal and all that? or is it done and they are holding it back for other reasons? or is it the usual super delays for hte sake of delays?

i dont remember episode 1 gettin delayed this far out from original predictions?

i was really looking forward to ep2 and TF2!!!
It's Valve. Everything they make is delayed. At the same time, much like Blizzard, it's usually worth the wait.
For HL2: Episode 2, I guess they had a lot of scripted style events they wanted to use that were taking a lot of time to produce.
It's the last of the HL2 "saga" so I guess they're wanting lot of polish for it. Hopefully it'll be a little longer than the first episode.
well, EP1 was exactly how i'd imagine it, but i would of thought EP2 to come out sooner

also, wasn't there supposed to be EP3 to complete the episodes? as in finishing the half life story
BoxDude said:
I second that.

For $20, Episode 1 was only about 1/5 of the length of the original game. It was a fun ride, but at that price it wasn't a good value. They always talked about Episodic games being between 1/3 and 1/2 of the length of a $50 game and thus far they haven't been.
Whenever I play an "Episodic" game or expansion pack, I always think back to the Throne of Bhaal expansion to Baldur's Gate 2. That game was almost like a Baldur's Gate 3, and for only $30 it was a steal. Games should strive for that!
Unlike most developers Valve is going to make sure they get it right before they release it. Don't like waiting a while for expansions? I suggest checking out EA and the Battlefield series.
dotK said:
Unlike most developers Valve is going to make sure they get it right before they release it. Don't like waiting a while for expansions? I suggest checking out EA and the Battlefield series.

Ouch, :) So very true....
I'd crap my pants if any good game in recent years hasn't been delayed at least once. Hmm... on second thought, I'd probably just give myself a slap.
dotK said:
Unlike most developers Valve is going to make sure they get it right before they release it. Don't like waiting a while for expansions? I suggest checking out EA and the Battlefield series.

Very good point!!
If ep 2 wasnt delayed I would have been worried that valve was rushing the game.
I'm guessing it's because they are going to implement the Multiprocessor support that the [H] did an Article on. Or, one of the other 2 additional games to be bundled with Ep2 aren't finished yet. Portal or TF2.