Halo 3


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2007
Finally some single player media has been released. IMO the jungle environments look superb and I hope the gameplay achieves such a high quality as well.


looks like fun. thats what i'm hoping for. after gears and all the Tom Clancy games on the 360, I'm hoping H3 will be downright good fun.
This looks cool.


I don't like halo that much, but it looks sweet.
Well a few of these screenshots, and a link to the complete list, was posted in the Microsoft E3 Conference thread, but they are nice. It's great to see the single player game looks a lot better then the Multiplayer Beta (which I completely expected).

I'm looking forward to the fall, and not just because of Halo 3 (though it should be a good game).

I had the HD trailer on my PC, but I downloaded it on the Live Marketplace too. While watching it you can see a lot of shots where MC and the Arbiter are together, and in one particular shot, where they're fighting on, and against the Scarab, the Arbiter is also there, fighting. If there is co-op where one person is MC and the other is the Arbiter, that will be awesome.
I had the HD trailer on my PC, but I downloaded it on the Live Marketplace too. While watching it you can see a lot of shots where MC and the Arbiter are together, and in one particular shot, where they're fighting on, and against the Scarab, the Arbiter is also there, fighting. If there is co-op where one person is MC and the other is the Arbiter, that will be awesome.

That trailer isn't HD. I think it's 480p. You can tell that it's slightly blurred everywhere and lacks the clarity of a 720p image. I also doesn't say "HD" anywhere in the description on XBL while all other HD trailers do.

So, hopefully the game will look a little better than what any of us have seen outside of screenshots.
It looks damn good, but the trailer looked .. ugly and it messed up here and there. If that isn't HD, and I don't think it is, it should look better and I'm not regretting preordering Halo 3.

EDIT: They're doing something good with Halo3 and I've been wanting this or would od this if I had a complany of my own or worked in one... what I'm talkigna bout is recording gamedata and displaying as a movie. Capturing movement then be able to free roam your movie withthe camera, absolutely awesome. This is something games need, since I like watching videos of games especially one with good stories.
That trailer isn't HD. I think it's 480p. You can tell that it's slightly blurred everywhere and lacks the clarity of a 720p image. I also doesn't say "HD" anywhere in the description on XBL while all other HD trailers do.

You know what, you're right. In my haste to just download and watch it, I didn't notice it was missing the "HD" in the title/description. While scrolling down the list so many others had it, I failed to notice Halo 3 didn't.

It's too bad the demo wasn't single player only. There's some parts that are really nice, but multiplayer footage is thrown in, and it doesn't look nearly as good.