Hands-On with NVIDIA's APX 2500

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The crew at Engadget Mobile seem rather impressed with NVIDIA’s APX 2500 (yes, it plays Quake 3). They have a bunch of pictures of the device posted as well.

We've covered what the hardware is all about, but we've also found out it'll be packin' 7.2 Mbps HSDPA in many flavors, quad-band GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth, and it frickin' plays Quake 3, like a monster. While gaming doesn't mean it'll be a successful device, the 2500 certainly seems to have the grunt to get some serious work done and with its Windows Mobile 6 underpinnings, it'll play well with current software.
Ok, it has HDMI output. that's a phenomenal idea. Crap, i could make cell phone calls with my TV! In high def!

Now that's a phone I want to upgrade to. I was going to purchase an HTC Touch but sadly AT&T has no plans on picking up that phone. My company only pays for AT&T/Cingular plans. But now I'm thankful I didn't buy it.

THIS is the phone I'd like to buy. And if AT&T won't pick it up, hell, it'll be worth paying for my own cell plan.

I notice a hold button on the bottom of the device. I can imagine it being used to hold calls because you're in a boss fight ;-)

So it plays Quake. Can it play WoW too? lol
Can it play WoW too? lol
If WoW can play on a WIn Mobile OS, I woudl assume so. Can't imagine it being very usefull, as all your icons would be crazy small, but good for AH surfing.
If WoW can play on a WIn Mobile OS, I woudl assume so. Can't imagine it being very usefull, as all your icons would be crazy small, but good for AH surfing.

and botting! ;-)

I'm kidding. I don't bot lol

I get up and get ready for work at 5am and get home around 7pm. My guild raids at 7:30pm. This device would be ideal to get yourself ready for raids on the commute home. I take the train home. My commute is 3 hours round trip.
Now that's an uber gadget I could get behind.

Quake 3? Railgun goodness on my cell phone? Sign me up.
lol I love to read on the train. But I'm not sure if I could write.

Maybe I'll make a biography of Steve and Kyle. I'll split the earnings :D
Dude, i really like this thing... but it doesnt look like they'll be out on Verizon's network :(
Ok, am I the only one who thinks you'd need a MOUSE to play quake 3? What, you're gonna play it with buttons only?

Anyway, still impressive for a phone.
Ok, am I the only one who thinks you'd need a MOUSE to play quake 3? What, you're gonna play it with buttons only?

Anyway, still impressive for a phone.

Of course you need a mouse. Just hook one up via the USB connection! Any phone with a slick interface and this chip inside is going to rock the iPhone. I just hope Nvidia doesn't give Apple the chip, let'em burn.
I would say probably around 500 tops. The masses won't even know who nvidia is and this will have to compete directly with the i-phone. You can't be successful if you only target the enthusiast market so they will have to go for the mass market and their name won't cut it when competing with Apple/Sony/Samsung/Blackberry.
If i can get this for $400-500 in either cingular, sprint or TKS I'd get it (and yes sadly I have to have all 3 of those carriers)
Wow and just when I was gona get the the 16gb iphone. So anyone knows when this is slated for release?
I love the continuous march of technology. Sad that I still don't have a phone that can play decent games.
Awesome, but too thick. If they can slim it down by half I'd probably buy one. If they can build one the size of the concept renderings, I'll definitely buy one.
Wow and just when I was gona get the the 16gb iphone. So anyone knows when this is slated for release?

If you listen to the youtube video that was posted, you can hear him ask the guy and he says production starts in april.:D
I just hope they put in a user replaceable battery. I hope they don't follow the stupidity of apple. I hope they also make it unlocked so it can be used with any network or at least sell it to all the networks so people can buy from the company they already have.

The fact I would have to loose money to switch from my awesome cellphone carrier to a substandard one to get the iphone was ONE of the main reasons I would never get one.
I just hope they put in a user replaceable battery. I hope they don't follow the stupidity of apple. I hope they also make it unlocked so it can be used with any network or at least sell it to all the networks so people can buy from the company they already have.

The fact I would have to loose money to switch from my awesome cellphone carrier to a substandard one to get the iphone was ONE of the main reasons I would never get one.

Don't worry, nobody could be as stupid as apple.
hhhmmm... where can i get Q3A for my WM6 smartphone... not to mention the programs in all the other cool-looking screenshots...