Hanns-G 22" ws came today!!!! Pics soon


Dec 5, 2006
My 22" came today and it is nice, I'll admit I have only owned a 17" Dell LCD a 19" Hanns-G ws LCD and now this one and I have liked them all, but this one rocks IMO. I bought it from Newegg for $299 shipped, reason I chose this one is b/c my last Hann-s G was good.

One problem, right now it is hooked up to a dell i6000 w/ a x300 GPU and the notebook sees its 15"LCD and the 22" LCD as the same thing so I have black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. Anyone know how to fix this?
when we going to see this review :)

I'm surprised there really aren't many reviews on the 22in Hanns-G. All I've found were 8 user reviews on newegg.com. They all liked it too so that's a good sign.
Mini Review on Hanns-G 22" LCD


Summary: This isn't a GREAT monitor but it is good and worth the money. Pros and cons seem equal but the weight of the pros definitely out weighs the cons. I would recommend this LCD to someone who wants a "do it all LCD" and doesn't want super resolution.

Big (I went from a 19" WS Hanns-G),
Decent setting out of the box,
Very little light bleed compared to 22" LCD's I have seen in B&M's. (can only barely see it with a totally black screen)
Built in speakers (if needed)
Comes with DVI cable!!!
4 USB 2.0 ports on the right side of monitor
Stable base from side to side

Some light bleed (slightly on top and bottom, not much though)
Little adjustment (only ability is to tilt up and down)(I have to use a monitor stand to get the LCD to the proper height for me and I'm only 5'9"!!!)
Doesn't come with a USB cable
Built in speakers suck (expected)
Price (I assume it is $300 b/c it just came out but Hann-G generally has a lower price than competitors, I would like to see this LCD in the $260-270 range.)
Not so stable base from front to back (not a problem if you don't move your desk often)

I've only played America's Army and HL2, both games looked great (on a 7900gs), no ghosting and I couldn't notice the back light bleed.

the 1680x1050 resolution is fine with me, I'm glad I chose the 22" over the 20" b/c if the icons/text were much smaller I believe eye strain would kick in. (I don't have great vision anyways)

I'll post them in a minute
Thanks for the review. I think tigerdirect has it for $280. I look forward to seeing the pics. Maybe the price will drop some by the end of the month, which is when I'll probably have my new computer ready for a better monitor.

Sounds like a good monitor.

How bad are the speakers? Would they be worse than 10 year old desktop speakers (2 speakers and subwoofer)?
image shack isn't working for me and I suck at taking pics (DSLR camera-->Fiance will have to take them when she gets home)

Speakers would be fine for office use and occasional video (may be some youtube video watching) but they will be horrible for watching movies, listening to music and gaming. If you are going to use headphones for most of your music listening and gaming then I would say hold off on buying speakers until you try out the integrated speakers.

If you are looking for so good 2.0 I suggest the Klipsch pro media ultras 2.0, Newegg lists them for $100 new but I got mine of fleabay for $50 and they are great.