Has anyone TRIED doom3 on Win 98se?


Mar 10, 2004
I have windows 98SE (I know, I know, I'm upgrading in like a month to a new PC and to XP). I doubt it can run, but worth a try. Has anyone even tried installing Doom 3 on Win98? I know the specs say 2k/XP only.

I also have a 1.0 ghz pc. (Again, I know, lower than min specs). Doubt this thing will run, but I can't wait :D
I have heard that people say a dialog box comes up stating that they are not running XP/2000. So no it will not run.
That box does come up, but it asks if you want to install anyway. I was wondering if anyone clicked "Yes' and let it go...
Someone on another message board created a VBScript to remove the OS check from the installer. With that, it apparently installs and runs fine on 2003, but 9x is out of the question.

Error starting program
The DOOM3.EXE file is
linked to missing export kernel32.dll:globalmemorystatusex