Haven't upgraded since 2008. What should I do here?

Apr 30, 2005
So I haven't updated my computer since 2008...

Core i7 920 (d0)
P6T mobo
12gb DDR3
512mb 9800GT
520w PSU

It chugs along fine. I never really overclocked the CPU much, I had it up a little but honestly never knew the best settings to run it stable.

So this whole thread basically stems from the thought of switching out monitors/moving our office. New monitor doesnt have DVI, just HDMI.

I KNOW i can just get a dvi->hdmi cable, or even an adapter, but I was thinking, well, why not just spend some money and upgrade!

I have been out of this niche for a while and I finally realized how ancient my card is, in todays terms. I don't do MUCH PC gaming (i did/do play Diablo 3 from time to time) and primarily have done mostly console gaming. Main computer use is webdev/design video work and I have had no problems recently.

I see new cards are PCIe 3.0 now, and I know it can run on my 2.0 board (but that whole upgrade path is a whole other can of worms!), but I just need someone to just give me a bump in the right direction for today's tech.

I would like something that runs games (if i decide to game, COD, BF3, etc.) at 1920x1080 res, with a decent amount of bells and whistles enabled...but I don't need a 3-way SLI setup or anything. I just want something that can handle it's own and play if needed.

I run a dual boot right now (hackintosh) and I know that I'm pretty much stuck with Nvidia cards (unless 10.8.3 supports new ATi stuff) but those ATi deals with BioShock, Crysis and/or Tomb Raider sound appealing.

Can someone just hold my hand (lol) and guide me in the right direction here?

Im looking in the 180-250 range if possible, but the thought of possibly going SLI (if its affordable or even worth it if using 'lower end' cards) is a cool idea. Not sure I need it, but I like the idea.

Thanks for ANY insight fellow [H]'s!
Just OC your 920 (perhaps get a CM Hyper 212 Evo, if you need a better cooler), and get a Radeon 7950. If you're going for overvolted, sky-high overclocks, though, you'll want a bigger PSU, as well.

Nevermind, just saw your price range. If the max you want to spend is $250, get a Radeon 7850 2GB, and if you need it, the cooler I previously recommended.
If you have to go with an NV card, get a GTX 660.
Yeah, you're fine at PCIe 2.0. OC and your CPU bottleneck is gone. Nice though, that you can still run your 5-year-old rig. :)
If you want to stay green this is a good buy. If you want to try red this is the best bang for the buck and has the game pack. Performance is similar between the two.
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