HD 3850 256Mb Crossfire in "Crysis"


Jun 16, 2004
I have a couple of HD 3850 256Mb cards I got as placeholders for the HD 3870 X2 that supposed to come out. Currently I am running them in my second Intel rig on a BX2.

Anyway, I tried the "Crysis" demo under Vista x64 with the 7.11 hotfix drivers @ both 1440x and 1680x. I used a combination of high and medium settings. I also tested at all medium. I used 4xAF only and that was to clean up distant textures. I did not use a tweaked configuration file. I only altered settings from within the game. They did surprisingly well. I'd say good for high with some medium and excellent for all medium. If you are interested in the results they are linked below with a ton of pics with FRAPS. If you are on 56K you may not want to bother.
