HD/Blu-Ray DVD-ROM drives ?


Jan 3, 2006
Honestly, I haven't seen or heared one yet of any HD/Blu-Ray (Hybrid) ROM drives. Any insights of from what make and/or brand will be great.

No burning capabilities needed. Quiet type preferrable. IDE if possible.

Cheers !
LG makes a Blu-Ray burner that plays both. But it is about a grand. I'd looked into it.

It may be cheaper to buy two drives, but I don't know of any off the top of my head.
LG makes a Blu-Ray burner that plays both. But it is about a grand. I'd looked into it.

It may be cheaper to buy two drives, but I don't know of any off the top of my head.
LG's dual format player goes for around $900 last time I looked at Newegg while, if you can track one down, HD DVD and Blue ray drives go for around $250/290 each.

well an for a HD-DVD player just get an xbox 360 HD-DVD addon and plug into USB. And get a seperate Blu-Ray player. It'd be cheaper that way. However, it seems like HD-DVD seems to be gaining ground on Blu0Ray and even ma surpass Blu-Ray in the near future due to the Chinese finalizing a plan for their own HD standard that is VERY similar to HD-DVD specs which means CHEAP HD-DVD players in the near future.
Checked them all..... =_=

I guess I'm just gonna get 1 of each. Some future price drop that you guys may know about maybe ?

Does the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player really work on PC ? Vista or XP ? Noisy or silent ? :D
Does the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player really work on PC ? Vista or XP ? Noisy or silent ? :D
Its quiet enough where you can't hear it, except when it spins up initially. So, I'd categorize it under 'silent' to my ears. It works under XP with the special UDF drivers, and it is plug-n-play with Vista.
Its quiet enough where you can't hear it, except when it spins up initially. So, I'd categorize it under 'silent' to my ears. It works under XP with the special UDF drivers, and it is plug-n-play with Vista.

That's music to my ears....... now for my Blu-Ray needs, research, research... cheers guys !
i can vouch that the xbox 360 HD-DVD player is quiet. I run Vista and it auto-detects without any other installation. Just get a copy of PowerDVD Ultra and you're set.
LG is supposed to come out with two new combo drives priced $400 (no blu-ray burner) and $500 (blu-ray burner) sometime soon.
LG is supposed to come out with two new combo drives priced $400 (no blu-ray burner) and $500 (blu-ray burner) sometime soon.

Hmmm.... wait or not.....hmm...

Did you hear that from any official news post or of some sort ? I'm not really interested in burning them DVDs, just playing.

Cheers !
I bought my HD-DVD drive for $170ish and bluray now is about $400 (burner, i think they have a rom now too for much cheaper).

Thats half the price of a combo hybrid drive.
Hmmm.... wait or not.....hmm...

Did you hear that from any official news post or of some sort ? I'm not really interested in burning them DVDs, just playing.

Cheers !

There's some posts about it on AVSForums. I can't find them right now. I just remember someone posting that the new combo drives were already available in Japan.
~$350 would be a steal for a combo drive :eek:

Sweet Mary Mother of God. At that price it would be STUPID to buy standalone players at any enthusiast level. This especially goes for people who have 720P PJ's. Allow your PC to properly scale to 720p instead of downsizing to 540 and then back to 720p would be a real treat. Throw in TrueHD/etc support as well as any other video format and you a have a power house.

A little cheap AMD action
A gig of RAM
Vista OS
7.1 channel sound card

wow I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for that LG drive

Here's the problem though IMO

Sure $350 sounds cheap, but not when you consider the other potential costs:

HDCP video card: $100
PowerDVD: $70
Vista Home Premium: ~$115

ok, now we're talking $635

that's getting closer to a standalone's price
You can do much more on a HTPC than a standalone unit. Not even comparable.
Just got the Xbox HD-DVD drive.... it was nice and quiet... and then suddenly it's even louder than the Xbox 360 itself. I'm returning it and I'll have it replaced. Sheesh.... :mad:
wow I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for that LG drive

Here's the problem though IMO

Sure $350 sounds cheap, but not when you consider the other potential costs:

HDCP video card: $100
PowerDVD: $70
Vista Home Premium: ~$115

ok, now we're talking $635

that's getting closer to a standalone's price

However, find something in that price range that can play EVERY single format. Find me something in that price range that has the functionality that media center can offer.