
How often are you in here?

  • Total voters


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
I'm just a bit curious as to who is around and in what capacity. It's been a bit dead in here for a while and I'm wondering if it's just lurking or what.

Chime in if you would.

im not very active in the DC forums.. but im all over the place other wise.. thats is kinda the nice thing about F@H... set it and forget it.. (damn you ron popiel...) if i could borg.. i would.. but im afraid of borging dells.. :p
i'm in atleast once a day no matter what. i post only when i have something constructive to add, and with all the skilled people here i rarely need to chime in. I post slowly but surely but have been around since before 2005.
I'd consider myself somewhat of a regular poster.... I'm definitely looking in here every day.

I lurk here everyday, but I usually don't post...... I'm all over the rest of the forum, but I just find it a bit hard posting here..... don't really know what to say;)

But, um... I had two 800 point days recently!!! Yay!!

I think this is my first post in the distributed computing forum.

I lurk mainly, but lately I have been folding a lot so I guess I'll drop in more often. :D

I think this is my first post in the distributed computing forum.

I lurk mainly, but lately I have been folding a lot so I guess I'll drop in more often. :D

Most of us are kinda friendly! :p
Too busy to stop by and don't even lurk

I'm guessing this one will remain at 0.......lol. If it doesn't, someone's lying. They had to be here to vote :rolleyes: ;)

I try to make up for all of the slacking lurkers...

I post too often, or so I have been told! :p
Usually 2-3 times a day, waiting for a stable windows smp client......and checking my progress.

haven't had anything to post about in a long while. But I am still here. Unfortunately I'm still slipping in the ranks as more and more members with more powerfull machines blow past me. Too bad my son wants a Xbox or I could justify a PS3 and really knock down some points.

I see a few have now come out of the woodwork. I'm curious to see who else may be around and just not saying much.

I would tell you the dirty little secret of the DC forum but then I would have to kill you. For those that don't know it, I guess you'll just have to speak up a bit more often in an attempt to figure it out. :)

Most of us are kinda friendly! :p

You should be truthful. It's not nice to mislead people.

By the way, most of us are demented, crazy and/or insane. It makes for a very interesting time actually. It's nice to be in such good company.

I've also been swinging by the #hardfolding, but it has been deader than a doornail. I miss some of the guys who have been around a while. I really don't see some of them post.

Really I have not upgraded much since the release of the 5.04 console client. I tried some of the newer clients on my son's Vista Intel Duo laptop, but I was rather unsuccessfull getting any of the newer ones to run as a service. I just installed two copies of the 5.04 and they seem to run fine. So unless someone could convince me that I will fold more with other clients, I'll stick with what has been working.

I've also been swinging by the #hardfolding, but it has been deader than a doornail. I miss some of the guys who have been around a while. I really don't see some of them post.

Really I have not upgraded much since the release of the 5.04 console client. I tried some of the newer clients on my son's Vista Intel Duo laptop, but I was rather unsuccessfull getting any of the newer ones to run as a service. I just installed two copies of the 5.04 and they seem to run fine. So unless someone could convince me that I will fold more with other clients, I'll stick with what has been working.

Yeah, it's been slow on #hardfolding lately. We're missing a regular or two at the moment and I know I've been busy as well as one of the other regulars. It also depends on what time you stop by. I usually don't have a chance to stop by until after 9pm CDT.

As far as running the SMP client as a service in Windows, it's really tricky at times and can have some problems. I'm not a fan of the Windows SMP client. I just run two regular clients on my two Windows installs that I have on this machine for the times I boot into Windows. Then again, I never spend enough time in Windows on this machine to actually complete a Windows SMP unit in time anyway.

I barely even lurk much anymore, still folding away on a 1.0 p3 dualy but planning on trying the smp client on a new q6600... new as in its still in its box... waiting to be sold to me... some day :p

I'm around a lot but don't post much. I voted in this poll the first day it went up, but I just now post.
I guess you'll just have to speak up a bit more often in an attempt to figure it out. :)

Honestly, if it has anything to do with BillR and goats.... I don't want to know:p

My partner is a part time goat farmer and well..... let's just say I've heard stories......

edit.... Sheep? What the hell... I thought it was goats.....

Oh yeah that's right, where's the irc at again? I'll be there I'm sorta of an IRC person myself.

Oh yeah that's right, where's the irc at again? I'll be there I'm sorta of an IRC person myself.

I don't know if we are allowed to talk about it here. At one time it was kinda a taboo. Go check out the official Hardfolding website. It has instructions to get to the IRC.

I don't know if we are allowed to talk about it here. At one time it was kinda a taboo. Go check out the official Hardfolding website. It has instructions to get to the IRC.

Ain't taboo - if it's mentioned on the official site then why would it be tabooish?
i used to post a ridiculous amount here; for me my passion (note, that's not the same as commitment) for folding has always gone in cycles, just came back recently and am absolutely dismayed to note that a purge has occurred.

many of the people whose characters i treasured are gone.

speaking of, anyone seen gnewbury (sp?) lately?
I'm still poking my nose in here every few days to see what's going on. Sure hasn't been the same since the purges and squabbles over UD. But this is the way it goes.
I lurk around regularly, don't have much time to post because of law school but I still try to keep my PS3, CoreDuo Lappy, and A64 pumping out as many WUs as possible.
Ive been sucked into folding :eek::cool:.....see my thread i made :)

Im hopefully going to post in here more then i have (only a couple times lol) and i hope that i can make due with what i have :)

Thanks Team 33 and all that Fold For The CURE ;):cool:
Here when I can be. Running absolutely crazy with work for the pasr month but another 25-30 years and that should slack off some and I can go back to, well staring at forums and posting way to much :)