headphones for audio/gaming


Returning Bad Trader
Dec 10, 2007
i want headphones that are noise cancelling. i don't use a mic rather keep it on the quiet

can't afford the qc2-3. too much so what other noise cancelling options do i have. this is for audio and gaming persay.

i'm sorry if i posted in the wrong section i have no idea where to put this thread.

thank you all for giving me advice!
Audio Technica ATH A700 is another choice since its all person preference. I actually like the design of the A700 better.
Why do you have to have noise-canceling headphones? The good ones cost at least $100, and most of the cheap ones (<$100) don't perform well enough to justify getting them over regular headphones. (The HD280 and ATH-A770 that were mentioned are not noise-canceling headphones, though they do provide excellent sound for their price.)

Some "good" noise-canceling headphones (or so I've been told, so YMMV) include the Panasonic RP-HC500 and the Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7. If you want something cheaper than that, Logitech also makes some noise-canceling headphones, but I know nothing about their quality.

But you may find better suggestions from people in the Computer Audio forum (ask a mod to move this thread there...).
Why do you have to have noise-canceling headphones? The good ones cost at least $100, and most of the cheap ones (<$100) don't perform well enough to justify getting them over regular headphones. (The HD280 and ATH-A770 that were mentioned are not noise-canceling headphones, though they do provide excellent sound for their price.)

Some "good" noise-canceling headphones (or so I've been told, so YMMV) include the Panasonic RP-HC500 and the Audio-Technica ATH-ANC7. If you want something cheaper than that, Logitech also makes some noise-canceling headphones, but I know nothing about their quality.

But you may find better suggestions from people in the Computer Audio forum (ask a mod to move this thread there...).

They might not be, but are still good consideration and do cancel out noise. I went on a limb and thought maybe the OP met closed cans for noise canceling headphones.

OP, you can read up on the ones that are listed and decide for yourself. Tell us how you like your new headphones.
There was a sale for sennheiser 280-hd headphones for something like $66 the other day. Can't remember where though. They're very good entry level multi-purpose headphones. I liked them so much I stepped up to their flagship model (after trying beyer and other brands in the process)
yeah i heard of the logitechs and they were alright but they were like 150 back then and its only 40 now??

yeah noise cancelling because i hate the sound of my computer when i'm doing my hwk and the constant yapping of mi madre. so yeah i would prefer those instead of dj or professionals because they can't stop people from talking to me. but good choice you guys.

i think i can spend at least more than a $100 for just a good working pair :D