Heavy D Alert


[H]F Junkie
Sep 13, 2009
This "Retired" character has been active one week, already has 5.7M points at 820,000ppd.

At the current rate this contributor will be first page in one month.

Slower traffic keep right, motherfokka is comin' through.
Where is that steamroller jpg we used to use?

dunno but this ones a worthy replacement :p


just happens to come from one of the best movies ever released in the 80's.
I know that one...

I agree, it's a worthy successor.
Looks like only two 4P were used, but PPD is owesome.
He is able to get more than 363K points with a single 8101 WU, which means that the corresponding TPF is less than 11:00.
Does anyone know what kind of rig he is using? If it were 4P 6100, the working frequency would be at least 3.0GHz!

Nice. Looks like we have another 3 4P joining the ranks :)
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