Hello team 33


I Drink & Make TITAN X SLI Decisions
Aug 9, 2008
Joined 33 today, thought I would say hi and ask a few questions.
I have not folded since around march 2011. (shame on me I know) I reinstalled FAH GPU Tracker V2, and set it to what used to work before for my pc in sig, SMP for 3 cores leaving one core for the 560ti and 9800gt that averaged 25K PPD a year ago. if you had the pc in my sig how would you set it up? So far the 560Ti is getting 13k ppd, the 9800gt 5k ppd and the Q9400 @3.2 is avg 3.3k ppd. Is the 9800gt slowing down the 560ti so much that the points the gt generates are not worth it?
I also see that Stanford has V7 out now, should I wait untill the wu's I have now finish then DL and run that?
Thanks in advance for your help [H]
That 560 Ti (Unless its a 448 core) is about on par with what it should be doing, same wiht the 9800gt although the q9400 seems a bit low, but it's also one core short so that probably makes sense.

You should always wait until the WUs complete before stopping, this way you get the points for them otherwise you're just wasting your money (on energy costs)
the 9800GT is running GPU3 non fermi correct? if so and you have a decent card i would try overclocking the shaders to 1728 or 1782 should give you a pretty nice boost, the crappy non fermi GPU3 WU's are very shader clock sensitive and thus the PPD growth from increasing the shader clock is massive. if i remember correctly my 8800GS's were doing ~6500 PPD each i think at 700/1782/1000. they have been running the same non fermi WU's since GPU3 came out and have no plans of ever adding any new ones to it.

if you do decide to run the v7 client it'll automatically use the GPU3 client on the 9800GT.
the 9800GT is running GPU3 non fermi correct? if so and you have a decent card i would try overclocking the shaders to 1728 or 1782 should give you a pretty nice boost, the crappy non fermi GPU3 WU's are very shader clock sensitive and thus the PPD growth from increasing the shader clock is massive. if i remember correctly my 8800GS's were doing ~6500 PPD each i think at 700/1782/1000. they have been running the same non fermi WU's since GPU3 came out and have no plans of ever adding any new ones to it.

if you do decide to run the v7 client it'll automatically use the GPU3 client on the 9800GT.
I did not know with a non fermi g80 card you could run gpu3, applied, hope it gets better WU's. I will redownload an older version of evga precision as precision x does not allow for shader clock only overclocks. with your 8800's was there a "sweet spot" where you could underclock the GPU for even better Shader clock speed?

I seem to be unable to GPU fold on the v7 client it does not like "mixed gpu" fermi non fermi so current set up is v7 on SMP,(nice SMP ppd boost) and GPU tracker V2 for my cards.
unless there is a work around for my mixed gpu problem on v7?
I did not know with a non fermi g80 card you could run gpu3, applied, hope it gets better WU's. I will redownload an older version of evga precision as precision x does not allow for shader clock only overclocks. with your 8800's was there a "sweet spot" where you could underclock the GPU for even better Shader clock speed?

I seem to be unable to GPU fold on the v7 client it does not like "mixed gpu" fermi non fermi so current set up is v7 on SMP,(nice SMP ppd boost) and GPU tracker V2 for my cards.
unless there is a work around for my mixed gpu problem on v7?

its only for G92 and up cards. G80 can't run GPU3 as far as i know. but yeah there have always been non fermi WU's on GPU3 and the G92 gpu's love them, the GTX 200 series absolutely suck with the GPU3 client though. should be able to mix them with the flags you might have to force it to run fermi WU's for the fermi based card. but i don't know since i never bothered to mess with the v7 client.