Help! 24" Dell or Acer


Mar 31, 2006
Hey guys and gals,

I need some help. What are your opinions regarding the Acer AL2423 vs. the Dell 2407 WFP? I had the Acer purchased at Newegg but cancelled b/c of of the lack of HDCP compliance and HD input, which the Dell has. However, I love the lower input lag on the Acer and the great response time, which I don't think the dell has. BTW, I love FPS games like BF2 and BF2142 and COD2. I also do some internet surfing. I might watch HD movies if I have the option of doing so.

Please leave your thoughts and what you would do and why. Thanks.
I have the Acer, and it has noticeable input lag and the viewing angles are terrible and the lighting is not uniform. Move slightly and your screen will either brighten or darken. Colors are nice, as is the image quality, but the motion blur is horrible, and the Acer is supposed to be better than the Dell as far as input lag and pixel response goes. I am returning mine tomorrow and stepping down from a 24 wide to a 20 wide...NEC 20WMGX2. It has a smaller screen, but blacker blacks, better response time, less input lag and the Opticlear is supposed to work wonders for the clarity/vividness.
Wow, not sure what the problem is with your Acer, but mine doesn't have any of those issues...maybe you got one that is slightly defective? I don't notice any motion blur, I don't have any input lag, and the colors and lighting are perfect. I'm a graphic communications major and use it for all my projects, and I also do alot of gaming on it. I coudn't be happier with it.
while i don't notice any input lag etc. eitehr, i do have rather angle dependent colors. sitting sraight in front of the monitor (close) I can see the background grey of this site in different colors.
-=PESTILENCE=- said:
Wow, not sure what the problem is with your Acer, but mine doesn't have any of those issues...maybe you got one that is slightly defective? I don't notice any motion blur, I don't have any input lag, and the colors and lighting are perfect. I'm a graphic communications major and use it for all my projects, and I also do alot of gaming on it. I coudn't be happier with it.

How long have you been using LCD screens? The Acer was my first after gaming on a 19 inch CRT for seven years and I notice ALL of the noted drawbacks of LCD's and then some. Who knows if the monitor I got was defective, but I doubt that is the case. The image quality is superior to my old CRT for sure, the colors more vibrant, it weighs less and takes up a lot less space. That is where the advantages end. I just hooked up my CRT again and am getting an RMA on the Acer. Right away I noticed a step down in IQ, but the input lag is gone, motion blur is definitely gone (if you cannot see it, you are either just completely used to it or have learned to block it out, because it's definitely there. Try playing WoW and strafe from side to side...everything smears and it's just plain nauseating. Viewing angles remain constant (duh, it's a CRT) and the refresh rates...there is no comparison, and my eyes don't feel like they've been punched for hours on end. I'm just going to order a 22 inch NEC CRT and come back to the LCD scene in a few years once they've actually managed to update the technology so that it's compatible with gamers. Currently, it's not.

while i don't notice any input lag etc. eitehr, i do have rather angle dependent colors. sitting sraight in front of the monitor (close) I can see the background grey of this site in different colors.
Viewing the forum thread list gives off a really strange pseudo 3D effect on the acer. It goes from black to metallic grey/brown, black, metallic grey/brown.
Or you could just wait for the BenQ FP241W which has HDMI/HDCP and a low response time.
-=PESTILENCE=- said:
Ive been using an LCD now for 2 years, also at work.
Then you probably simply '"adjusted" to them. And I'm sure if you were used to moderatly crappy panels, the Acer would be fantastic for you. I never "got used to" the input lag, motion blur, locked refresh rates and "blacks are grey", and don't really feel I should have to.