Help A Newb, First Time Putting PC Together


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2006
Alright I'm a retard, I cannot put my cpu into the socket and lock the load lever. The gold arrow on the cpu is facing downleft of the socket which is the way manual says to do it. When I put the load plate over the cpu and try to lock the lever, there's a crap load of resistence. I feel like if I keep pushing downward, the pins will break. What am I doing wrong? The gold arrow is pointing downleft and the socket cutouts align with the notches on the cpu. I am using an E6000 and Asus P5B deluxe.
Oh and I just want to mention that when I have the cpu is in the socket, the load plate doesn't close down all the way, that's why I can't push the lever down. The cpu is in the socket correctly and everything but for some reason it blocks the plate from coming down competely.
It does take quite a bit of pressure to lock the cpu in place, just make sure the pin marker is in the right spot.
If everything is lined up, go ahead and clamp it down. Just make sure the pins are seated in the holes before you clamp it. It's not that hard really, it's just scary to think about messing it up.
Alright I got another newb question, when you put your ram in the ram sockets, are the latches on the sockets suppose to snap back all the way? When I put my ram in there, the latches won't snap all the way back because the cut out on the RAM blocks it. I tried pushing down on the ram pretty hard but it won't go down any further. I have a feeling that my ram is not pushed down far enough, but I really am pushing down quite hard. When the ram is in correctly, you should not be able to see the gold contacts anymore, right?