Help build a freesync upgradable setup for blackfriday


Feb 16, 2003
So i have a gamerx 1070 that im comfortable with for gaming on my 1440p 144hz freesync monitor. I do not want to upgrade to the space heater vega 64 for an extra $200-250. However i am running a hand me down space heater i7-3930K.

So what im looking to do is run the freesync "trick" of using the output of a ryzen while using the nvidia gpu for rendering.

So goals are:
Cheap ryzen cpu with 4 cores(odds are 2200G)- this will be replaced in 6 months when the zen 2 comes out
Mobo that supports either DTS interactive or DolbyDigital live, so i can run optical/coax out to my receiver so i get 5.1 in games. And it supports the zen2 next year.
And deals on "the good" 2x8 16 gig kits for ram.

I have the rest, including water cooler.
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