Help! DLink 604 not working :(


Sep 22, 2004
Hmm, well I can't even do ipconfig/renew... it says that the request timed out. The "repair this network" function in winxp doesn't work either. Fails after trying to release/renew the IP. I tried going to the router's web interface,, and for a while I could navigate around the homepage along with some (but not all) tabs. When I tried to, say, save a setting, IE would bitch that it's working offline and needs to connect, then hands me the 404. Recently, it started to ask me for firmware upgrade when I try to go to Broken router? Any suggestions?
By default, that router is a POS... and yes I also have it. Are you sure you didn't change the default IP address? If not, then I'd recomment unplugging all your shit for a few minutes. Give it a try after that, and report back with success or failure.

If you already tryed that, then I'll hafta think some more, I hope I didn't insult you.

Actually, now that I think of it, how hot is it... It might just need a little rest. It sound supersticious, but leaving your shit off once in a while does it good.

Wow! What's up with all these routers going out??? You sound like you're having the same problem I am. My wireless was working fine, but my wired PC's were not. I had to do some troubleshooting to finally narrow it down but it looks like my router's wired ports went bad. I don't know if all four ports are inter-connected or not, but what are the odds that they would all go bad at the same time? I will be trying another router to see if that's definitely the problem.
update: I downloaded the 3.51 firmware binary and tried to update it, like the router apparently wants me to, but when I click on "send", IE gives me "page unavailable offline" dialog again. /SIGH.

I'm trying to set up a network for some guy. I have a dlink 704 at home (old revision) and it's working fine... aside being very ugly and having cables on both sides of the router.

edit: it's quite cool to the touch btw.

update: I changed to ports from 1&2 to 3&4, and for some unknown to me reason, updated the firmware, and it doesn't work at all now. :(
Well, I'm returning it to the store now. Getting another ugly 704.