Help Finding Keyboard Alternative (specifc.. "semi-clicky")


Mar 5, 2007
Okay, take it easy on me, but:

I have used this kind of keyboard for years, not sure exactly how it is made or how it compares to full "clicky" keyboards like the IBM M series.

The keyboard I'm talking about is a "Microsoft Internet Keyboard"


That is what I have, actually, 3 of them, all working, old fashioned USB keyboards. (Minus that little Blue wrist bar thing, mine never had those (or they break off)).

However, the "white" seems to stand out, and would love a black model, which has been impossible for me to come across. However, what I would really want, is an alternative to it. Something that has the same keyboard feel, same size keys, and same layout.

I'm fairly picky on a host of things come keyboard, but the #1 issue I cannot live without is the feel of the keys when I strike them, I like that "mechanical" feel.

Other features I would *prefer* may include:

- 2 Row, 3 Column set of keys for PgUp, PgDn, etc, the arrow keys out (not embedded where "right CTRL" generally is, and a single row "Enter" key, essentially, a layout exactly like what is on the image above.

- I don't care for media keys much, I don't use the ones on my current keyboard, but would put up with or without them depending on if I find an alternative.

- Would love it to be black, and possibly USB. DEFINATELY not wireless.

- Definitely standard, no comfort curve, natural feel, etc.

Can *ANYONE* recommend me a keyboard, coming from personal use.

I've bought tons of keyboards online (cheap, at least) and tried dozens in stores (BestBuy etc) and found nothing to compare.



I know the "black" model exists, but cannot find them anymore. Also, if you search "Microsoft Internet Keyboard" you generally find a "newer version" which I feel suffer many of the same fates these newer keyboards do in terms of feel and layout.
Thanks for the recommendations, the first two are severely out of my price range, the last one, sadly, looks identical to one I have bought and tried, same cheap Logitech, in fact I'm almost sure it's the same base as this which I have, but if you're relatively sure, I'll take a swing at it, but judging by the model number. They're one in the same.