Help me install my Ninja


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2005
Ok trying to put my Scythe Ninja on my A8N32 with 4800+.

I re-used the existing back plate, and installed the retention bracket to it.

I put my AS5 on, and attempted to bring the HS directly down on the processor. Here is where the problem is:

1) I have no idea how you can possibly attach four clips simultaneously without twisting the HS substantially. I have already scratched my HS bottom to where I think I need to go lap it. :(

2) I am VERY concerned about damaging the CPU with the amount of pressure I need to put down to bring the four retention clips down probably just slightly more than 1/4" to catch on the retention clip.

Can someone help me here?
Get some tools. I am not sure how the retention clips work on a scythe, but a screw driver or some small pliers could help.

Put 2 of the 4 clips on by tilting it and then do the other 2 using the tools and lots of pressure. It should be fine as the IHS is there to protect the CPU.
attach one, attach the diagonal clip. SHould held on ok at that point.
Attach the other 2.

Dont worry about the force, its a lot less than some require, and wont harm anything.
You know its funny how you get stuck with a problem and just when you are frustrated enough to give up, someone gives you enough of a tip to get you over the hurdle.

I had the exact same issue as you. I couldn't possibily imagine that there would be any way the manufacturer of the either the Heatsink or the Mobo would expect anything that huge to fit on there. But it is true! It works like a charm. Yes it does take a lot of force... And a lot of courage to apply that much force... I would use the backplate provided with the ninja just cause it is metal and better quality.

Get the two pins in on one side. Have some one else hold the board down so you don't slide the heatsink all over the place. Then try pulling the heatsink up and forward at the same time. You will notice that the clips have a little holding piece above them. If you press hard it will evenly stretch the pins so that it will latch on.

It is indeed not easy. So make sure you get it right the first time. I had to RMA my board and believe me taking that thing off and putting it back on wasn't fun!

It's best you do this outside the case! :)

Good LUCK! the ninja is awesome once you get it on.
Hey guys.

Thanks for the replies. I did get it on (before anyone had a chance to reply)...

You're right about the courage thing.

I ended up doing the diagnal method.

I say the Ninja mounting on a 939 isn't very well designed. I mean if I used the stock cooler, I would not have had this problem. (just my opinion - maybe I'm wrong)

Anyway now I'm just worried my temps might be too high. In BIOS (no real load) - I'm getting temps as high as 49C. Now that is with an ambient of about 71F... I'm operating passively, in a P180 case, with only the rear fan going (1300rpm). I couldn't hook up a "push" fan if I wanted, because the memory is in the way. (I can only use 3 of the 4 sockets of memory b/c the Ninja is in the way - very frustrating - have a 1GB memory stick I can't use now)

I have a 4800+. Based on the above - are my temps too high do you think? I am worried that I need to rip apart my box to remove the HS (again not a great HS mounting design IMHO)

I guess when I get windows loaded and can do a load test I'll have a better idea how bad the HS mounting went.

So Any thoughts on these stats:

50F temp rise
No load
P180 passive with rear fan only at 1300 rpm
in pasive mode your lucky to stay below 50c with any HS... so I would say you have it hooked up right.

with my XP120 and a 150cfm fan on an 3700+ oc'ed to 2.6 I am hitting 50c full load. I guess the ninja is just a better heat sink.
theshadow27 said:
in pasive mode your lucky to stay below 50c with any HS... so I would say you have it hooked up right.

with my XP120 and a 150cfm fan on an 3700+ oc'ed to 2.6 I am hitting 50c full load. I guess the ninja is just a better heat sink.

Yeah but with the Ninja of course - it has a fan pulling air through it, only 2" away, and I have the top vent open so it is sucking a ton of cool air in directly through the top.

I am still "breaking in" the AS5 though... Leaving it on for 2 hours, then letting it cool. I have done that twice so far. I do believe the temps went down on the 2nd run. Suprisingly up to 5C.... [Edit I'm back up to 54 degrees after running idle for 3 hours]

Thanks for your comments though - I am interested if anyone else out there with a P180 has any thoughts.
If I am not mistaken AS5 takes about 200 hours of use with regular shut downs to set in properly. And you can expect to see a drop of 3-5 C.

The ninja works best in a P180 case. Also I highly recommend installing a pusher fan. If your memory is in the way you have two options.

1) THe the fan doesn't have to fit right next to the face of the ninja. Just mount if higher so that it will clear your memory.

2) You can mout a fan on all four sides. The only other place to mount it would be at the bottom... i.e if it can clear your video card there.
as on of the reviews said, the wires are such that you dont have to install it right next to the base. You can move the fan up to clear memory. Thats how mine is setup. Play with it a bit. Its a bitch to get the fan on, but it seems to hold well.