Help OC'ing a 4890


Limp Gawd
Oct 13, 2003
So far I am using Rivatuner and Furmark. It's running right now and its been crashing at much lower than what I have been seeing people run this card at. Is it my card or am I doing something wrong?

So far I have just been adjusting the clock core and it first crashed on 939, then i brought it down, and its crashed on 936, and 932.. currenty running it on 928. So far so good but who knows. Anything else I should be doing?
i cant overclock my 4850 at all. my comp crashes at any amount of OCing
Well mine could only get to 905mhz on the core if I remember correctly. Don't remember the memory but it wasn't very good either. Definitely the worst pci-e overclocking card I have ever had.
I could get around your range by upping the voltage on the core through rivatuner, but that made it pretty hot and needed the fan at high speed, so screw that.
What brand is yours?
XFX was notorious for cheaping out on a number of their HD 4890 PCBs, resulting in units that could barely overclock if at all.

It's possible that Sapphire did the same thing with a couple of their SKUs.

Otherwise if you can't overclock even a little bit stable, you certainly won't be able to overclock a lot. It's all luck of the draw, I'm afraid.
So far I have just been adjusting the clock core and it first crashed on 939, then i brought it down, and its crashed on 936, and 932.. currenty running it on 928. So far so good but who knows. Anything else I should be doing?
My 4870 would crash whenever I tried to change the clock speed manually with whatever program, no matter the clock. I remember it crashing when I set it to 350/700 I just left it alone...
What voltage are you running the core at?
1.40v - 1.45v max on air i'd say.
use Afterburner from MSI.

will let you OC pretty much everything AND adjust fan settings to cool properly.

There are no guarantees, of course.
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can't go above 890 cpu and im still messing around with the mem clock.

What voltages are you running at? Try 1.4v on core and increase no further than 1.45v using air cooling, it starts to get toasty.
Stock voltages, fan is at 37% on auto, temps are at 78 degrees on full load for 2 hours
You wont get very far without increasing the core voltage to be honest, increase it using MSI afterburner or Rivatuner.
XFX was notorious for cheaping out on a number of their HD 4890 PCBs, resulting in units that could barely overclock if at all.

It's possible that Sapphire did the same thing with a couple of their SKUs.

Otherwise if you can't overclock even a little bit stable, you certainly won't be able to overclock a lot. It's all luck of the draw, I'm afraid.

That sounds like my XFX, I can only get 915/1100 at stock and jsut a bit less than 950/1100 at 1.4V
Not doable in MSI after burner, highest option I have for voltage is 1350
Mine club 3d 4890 oc to 970 core and 1100 memory with msi afterburner with 1.35V... (played through all crysis campaign with these settings) and temperature never goes above 65 degrees. Pretty happy about that. Oh and I bought it when it just came out, without any modifications :p
I set up custom fan control in afterburner, till 50c its 46% and at 65c - ~65%, its loud but my case fans at max rpm are louder (~43db) :cool: That is when my closed type headphones come to help
My two 4890 are running Folding@Home. I do not have crossfireX enable, the first card works my 24 inch monitor and one console for Folding@ Home, The second card has two console of Folding@ Home running. The first card temperature is 71 C with 59% to 79% activity and a fan speed of 34% [ both fans are set to auto ] with the room temperature of 27 C. The second card has a temperature of 75C, Activity of 81% to 93% with the fan at 35%.Both cards are overclocked to 905MHz on the GPU and the stock setting of 975 on the Memory using ATI Overdrive. Also running stock voltages on both cards.