Help! Xbox not Connecting to School Network

Mar 31, 2006
So I have what is (to me, anyways) a hell of a situation. I just moved back into the dorms at my college, and I encountered a problem for the first time on Thursday in about a year on the university network. My Xbox wouldn't connect to the net. I ran their tests, IP confirmed, but DNS failed. I don't know much about networking beyond IP's and DHCP's that assign them, but I have some experience. The strange thing here is that the Xbox is getting the correct DNS numbers, in this case This happens after I reset the factory settings. I work in the IT department that doesn't handle the network, but my current boss basically set up the network I'm plugged into, and gave me some tips. So I have no control beyond the wall jack, unfortunately. My desktop is plugged into the jack next to where the xbox is plugged, same DNS info, and it works fine. There's a twist, though. On Friday morning, the xbox wouldn't connect, then it did. Later in the afternoon, it suddenly and (seemingly) deliberately disconnected me. That is still my condition today. The disconnect happened at about 4:52 PM on Friday. Here are the relevant facts that I can think of:

-The school throttles the dorm networks between about 7 AM - 5 PM, and splits it to the rest of the campus, to the point where it's slower than my Cable at home. about 1 meg down/400k up.

-After 5 (I think) they give us almost all the bandwidth. I can get about 27meg up and 10 down at this point. So night time is the time to download. :)

-They (probably) aren't blocking based on MAC. There is security software we need on windows machines, but they tried to get the MAC range for Xbox 360's so they are let through (or so the guy at the front desk says, lol.) without the software.

-I think it's suspicious that at around the time of the bandwidth switch, my connection was cut. Not sure if this is related or not, leaning towards no since it didn't work before or after on Thursday.

-They aren't doing any work on their stuff, so I'm told.

-When I manually put in the IP info from my computer into the 360 (after releasing the desktop), it's happy with the IP but still fails on DNS, so the DNS really is the problem.

Sorry if this is long, I know that more info is better when solving a problem. I don't know what else to do on my end, but perhaps if there were a cause you guys could think of? That would be awesome. If you need any other info or have any other ideas, please let me know. I really appreciate any help I get, I'm drowning without Xbox Live! Thanks again, guys!