HFM & web generation


Dec 6, 2006
I'd like to know how to use the web generation feature of HFM. If somebody could explain how or point me to a guide, that'd be great :)
Not that this helps, but I've been thinking lately that we could use a bunch of new guides, a lot of the old ones are getting out dated
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haha, no that doesn't help, and I agree. I looked through the FAQ in the DC forum and didn't really find anything helpful (regarding this)
Tobit set his up nicely. He also said the next version of HFM which is do out soon completely redoes a lot of the web stuff. I would wait for that release.
Tobit set his up nicely. He also said the next version of HFM which is do out soon completely redoes a lot of the web stuff. I would wait for that release.

it's not like it's going to take hours upon hours to setup... i'd like to set this up for the time being ;)
Edit -> Scheduled Tasks

check the box for "Create a Web Site"

Select the update interval.

point to a local location to store the log/HTML files that will be generated

transfer to your web hosting site.
ya i had that part, how can i setup so whenever it updates the files, that it automatically updates them on my web hosting site also?

i'm planning on going with 110mb will that work?
ya i had that part, how can i setup so whenever it updates the files, that it automatically updates them on my web hosting site also?
I put all the ftp commands in a script and use the Window's Scheduled Tasks applications to upload the files every 10 minutes.
would you mind posting your script? (just make up fake ip's)

I had trouble getting regular ftp to behave via script on my particlar web hosting site so I downloaded the ncftp package and use the Scheduled Task to execute a batch file (upload.bat). Works like a charm. Here's my basic setup.

file: upload.bat

cd c:\folding_web
ncftpput -f login.cfg \ c:\folding_web\*.html
where login.cfg something like looks like this and lives in the same directory as upload.bat

host mywebsite.host.com
user xxxxxx
password xxxxxx
I have HFM setup to refresh every 15 minutes (which triggers the web stats update). From there I simply have the Task Scheduler run upload.bat once an hour (good enough for me).
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after a bit of searching, i found that smartftp as well as cuteftp support scheduled FTP transfers, so i'm just going to use that :)
after a bit of searching, i found that smartftp as well as cuteftp support scheduled FTP transfers, so i'm just going to use that :)

I've used both in the past. They work just fine .... until the trial period runs out. :D
Anyone have an automated FTP script working in Windows 7? I can't get the ftp command to work from the command prompt at all. I can connect to the remote server, but I can't access the local file(s).

Give the following a try, its working great on my Windows 7 box:

Go into HFM and tell it to export the webpage, Edit > Preferences.

Set it up something like this

If you leave it alone, it will send the files that need to be sent to your web host here:

Make a folder on the root of C and call it ftpupdate or something like that.

You are going to have 2 files in here, the upload script (script.scr) and the run batch (ftprun.bat) just make them both in notepad.

For script.scr you want it to look like the following. Avoid spaces in your client names in HFM, that seemed to mess up the ftp upload.
You will need to name the files as I have here for the HFM webpage plus all of your clients and the respective .txt files for log viewing online.
Keep in mind that you may not have grey.css, maby you chose blue in HFM or something. In that case simply upload blue.css


Here is the bat that will run the FTP script, duplicate this and remember to keep both the .scr and the .bat in the same "ftpupdate" folder on the root of C.

You should be good to go, now try running the "ftprun.bat" and it should bring up the CMD window and you should see the files uploading to your webhost. You can now point your scheduled upload task in Task Scheduler to run the "ftprun.bat" on whatever time/event schedule you desire. Just dont forget to add the arguments/parameters in your scheduled task like so:


This may not be the most streamlined way this can be done, but it is working very well for me. Also, another tip if the little CMD window is bothering you - coming up on your screen every 10min or whatever you can solve that simply by creating another user account on your computer and running the task as that user. Then the CMD window will always run on the other account and thus in the background. If you need more help with configuring the scheduled task please let me know and I will help you. I hope this little walkthrew is helpful to you.
Thanks for the guide. My problem was permissions on the host. I added global write access and it seems to work. I just need to move everything to a PC that runs 24/7 and I should be set.

Thanks for the guide. My problem was permissions on the host. I added global write access and it seems to work. I just need to move everything to a PC that runs 24/7 and I should be set.

Glad you got it up and running.

Additional tips - If you use mput instead of send and use the prompt command to turn off prompting, you can have your batch dump all of the files in your local directory to your web server. The .src file becomes something like:

OPEN ftp.yourserver.com
mput c:\your\directory\*.*

Pretty slick.
OK cool - so this will just dump a whole directory onto the webhost via FTP?

Very cool, thanks!