high temp 7900x with prime95


Nov 26, 2016
using hwmonitor, my 7900x has cpu package temps around 43 when doing very little like this post and in games around 78.4. If however i run prime95, it gets to 95.5. I have a view s1 thermaltake case and using a 360 thermaltake cooler although it appears to be an older model. I understand that the 7900 series can run hot but any reason i should mess around like changing the thermal paste or changing the fans for the cooler to the front side of the case instead of the top in an effort to improve cooling or should i not bother with it at all. i tried changing fan direction on the cooler since i wasnt sure if it was pulling or pushing air but that didnt seem to change anything
That's pretty normal for Ryzen, and expected for Ryzen 7000. Prime95 pushes the CPU harder than most real-world uses and will cause crazy power consumption/temps. On top of that, Ryzen 7000 series are (according to AMD) intended to run up to the 95C thermal limit and will adjust voltage/clocks under heavy load to keep at that level. Doubtful that repasted or switching coolers will change that- if more cooling capacity is available, the CPU will just increase clocks until it hits the thermal limit again. The only thing that seems to drastically lower Ryzen 7000 temps is delidding (removing the IHS so the cooler directly contacts the silicon) which is a whole thing and not to be taken lightly.
My 7900x has idle temps from 25c to 32c but if I run small fft in prime95 it does to 90c instantly. Games and everything else runs fine.