Hit a Folding (Stanford) milestone? Post it here:

first 100k is the hardest

Really depends on the hw. :)
For some people, 100k is hard. I started out running 1 quad, 2 duals, and 2 gpus....I made 100k rather quickly.

Others, 1mil. 10mil was a big one for me, biggest so far. If you have the hw I would say the 10mil one is huge and feels like it takes forever.

Congrats everyone on your recent milestones :D
First 10 million is harder. I've been working on that for over 5 years, should be hitting it in a few days.

Hah, I started working towards 10 million back in 2001 or so :D

Currently approaching 6 million.
I know, I know :)

Don't feel too bad, I only crunched a half dozen work units when I started 2 years ago. Got caught up with getting out of University and into a job and completely lost track of it. Just got back into it 2 months ago, but I'm going strong :)
Don't feel too bad, I only crunched a half dozen work units when I started 2 years ago. Got caught up with getting out of University and into a job and completely lost track of it. Just got back into it 2 months ago, but I'm going strong :)

Yeah, I didn't start again until late last year. Had a lot of stuff going on as well, including moving and traveling halfway around the globe :)
I don't see it mentioned here but Apollo just hit 60 million!!
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Well sometime in the last few days I hit 40 MILLION!! Been to busy with work to monitor my stuff :(

We can make him better than he was before. Better, Faster [H]arder ! Hit 6 million this weekend...
Hoping to hit 13 million on Friday te 13th but looks more like tonight. O well, still cool

660th in the world rankings, 48 for the team. Guess I don't get anymore milestones until I hit factors of five, here I come 15 mil!!
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
30 million!
14 in the [H]orde
204 in the world


Broke 500k, halfway to my first million :) And I'm getting faster as I get closer hehe. Also broke into the top 1000 [H] a little while back..

Well, I guess I just did 6 million.

*yawns, then resumes napping*