HL2 release moved back


Jun 23, 2003
I'm sure most of you have seen the headline on [H] now about the release of HL2 being moved back to summer. I'm pretty distraught over the delay, but for exactly the opposite reason that Steve is.

He wants to blame the hackers for stealing the source as the cause of the delay. I blame Valve themselves.

Numerous times Valve had been quoted as saying September 30th, 2003 was a concrete release. Even within two months of that date they held firm in believing they would make it. Steam rolled out atrociously, but they assured that it would be worked out, which it has. Obviously Valve has the capabilities to fix something that is broken while at the same time being in crunch mode trying to finish up a huge project.

Reworking the game so that it is not overrun by hackers or whatever logic Valve seems to be using in the delay should not take 9 months to a year to complete. I understand completely that the game should have been delayed to try and negate the problems that would arrive; however, if the game was complete IN THE FIRST PLACE when the source was stolen, there is absolutely no way that Valve NEEDS 9 months+ to rework due to source theft.

I'm not pissed off at Valve for delaying the game, be it for better content or whatever. I am very, very pissed off at Valve for lying to us, the gamers, about their highly anticipated product. For them to set a time frame and then break it, well that's been done before and this time there was actually good reasoning. But for them to set a release date and totally destroy it by releasing it 9 months+ afterwards and using some scapegoat as a coverup is unacceptable.

My request to Valve is simple: tell us the truth about why the game was delayed instead of hiding behind some BS. You didn't have the game ready in the first place.

i swear to god, the next person that says HL2 was delayed because of the theft needs to be slapped around and called susan.

supposedly the entire source tree was heisted very near sept. 30th, and what they got wasn't even half of a game.

yes, it sucks that it was stolen. if only for the fact that now a bunch of kiddies have tools to make aimbots and wallhacks, BUT!!!@

for them to try and pretend it would have been out by now if not for the intrusion reeks of something stinky...
Let us all pretend that HL2 and doom3 are never coming out, so we stop getting excited and anxious for the game. When it comes out, we can all be like wow what a great surprise, cuz, all it is going to end up turning into is people sleeping in front of best buy and rioting over the game cuz it took too long to come out.
Let us all pretend that HL2 and doom3 are never coming out, so we stop getting excited and anxious for the game. When it comes out, we can all be like wow what a great surprise,

Heheheh...yeah, exactly.

or you can do what I did, and buy KOTOR...Man, I feel like I've been playing for weeks and I'm not off Taris yet...:D
On the Half Life 2 forums they admitted that they totally revamped the game when it was getting close to the Spet 30 release date. They said that the A.I. was totally scraped, levels were gutted, and that this was basically Half Life 3 that we are getting now. Too bad they just can't admit this when coming to the release date like Capcom did with Resident Evil 2.
Movieesa: This is what I've been saying for months now. The development community knew for awhile that the game wasn't coming out in time. The publisher knew it, developers knew it, Valve knew. Fans were just in denial and still are.

The hack made things worse, but also provided a conveinent cover as well.

It pains me to say it, but Steve you're dead wrong on this one. Take off the foil hat and put down the Kool-Aid and join the rest of us. I'll hand ya' a Dr. Pepper and some CoolThreads.
I think Valve sucks.


How come they had to hide and not talk to ANYBODY about the theft? Why were they soo quiet? Why could'nt just get up and face the music? I think the leak was staged. They knew the bastard child CS Condition Zero would never get finished ever so why not stick that in the package as well with the supposed leaked source code.

I hope VALVE burns to the ground and HL2 never gets released.

Back to Desert Combat...

Psyko M.
Originally posted by sc0tty8
Let us all pretend that HL2 and doom3 are never coming out, so we stop getting excited and anxious for the game. When it comes out, we can all be like wow what a great surprise, cuz, all it is going to end up turning into is people sleeping in front of best buy and rioting over the game cuz it took too long to come out.
I'm with ya bro, after a certain point I just stop caring. For DNF that was somewhere around 1999~2000 :D HL2, it was September 30, 2003.
I don't live by FPS games... I'm a die-hard Flight Simmer, so you can believe that I have patients for game releases. :p Honestly, I was surprised the point of falling over when FS 2004 was released 2 months before the initially planned release date. :p

FPS games are fun, but honestly, people are anticipating this so hard, when it does come out everyone will be bummed because by then, game technology will have progressed way past it... :p
Originally posted by ’m‚³‚ñ

FPS games are fun, but honestly, people are anticipating this so hard, when it does come out everyone will be bummed because by then, game technology will have progressed way past it... :p

No, not that the game technology will have progressed, its gonna end up being some MASSIVE amount of hype, and the game turns out just as good as Half-life and people will just start questioning whether it is good or not.

Some people will like it, others wont. People are going to have to learn to just Deal with it. If they want something better, go make it yourself.
Look, I'm really tired of these threads. :rolleyes:

But I'm going to post my opinion on the subject of "hype, and if the game is going to be a flop or not".

Personally, I see HL2 and D3 being the biggest flops of 04 (thats if they actually come out this year). We've seen this crap before. I liked Unreal 2, but it was nothing special.

When I first saw U2 in development (a year or so before it was actually released) I thought, god damn, this game is gonna own. The thing is, by time it came out, there were already so many other games out there that at U2's level (graphically, etc) that it was nothing special. For the most part, I got the feeling from this forum, that almost everyone thought it was a flop, and could of been better.

This is what I see happening to all these other games with all their stupid hype. Half-Life 2 is gonna come out, and there are gonna be so many other bad ass games out, or coming out (that you haven't heard of till now/then) that your gonna sit down and play HL2, "fart" (as someone said earlier), and return to watching TV and playing other games.

Hype, for me, takes away all the "suprise" feeling in a game. I already know so much about HL2 that when I sit down and play it, I'm gonna feel like nothing is new.

I see myself getting board with these 2 products, and looking forward to the next best thing. :eek:
Originally posted by Baker
Hype, for me, takes away all the "suprise" feeling in a game. I already know so much about HL2 that when I sit down and play it, I'm gonna feel like nothing is new.

That's the #2 reason why I don't watch TV. :p

How many of you have created a game of this caliber?

On top of that, how many of you have written an entirely new engine?

Unless you have... I think you have no reason to point fingers.

You have no room to say how long something SHOULD take to complete.

I am sick of hearing everyone get on these soapboxes and tell us how a group of developers should do things, when you yourself have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. If you DO have previous experience in this field then more power to ya. If not, don't point fingers.

If you want a half-assed game then fine by me. I won't buy it. When they feel it is ready to be released I will happily go and buy it and enjoy a well done game. I don't want a rushed piece of crap game.

*End of Soapbox*
I daresay Valve almost has the right idea when it comes to marketing: they actually get to hype the game multiple times, instead of just the one big push out the door like most developing outfits do. It was hyped so much last year, and it will be hyped again just before the launch. Smart.

Unethical, lame, and a sure guarantee towards the loss of quite a few customers...but smart.
Originally posted by Spinal

How many of you have created a game of this caliber?

On top of that, how many of you have written an entirely new engine?

Unless you have... I think you have no reason to point fingers.

You have no room to say how long something SHOULD take to complete.

I am sick of hearing everyone get on these soapboxes and tell us how a group of developers should do things, when you yourself have no idea what goes on behind closed doors. If you DO have previous experience in this field then more power to ya. If not, don't point fingers.

you're forgetting something... Who are the people who PAY FOR THIS? We are, the gamers who buy the game. :rolleyes: Don't give me that stupid BS. These games don't exist because someone enjoys making them (well, most of them don't, but there are a few), they're here to make money. So, since we're going to be paying like $60 for this game, they might want to just get up and release it already.

What good is having HL 3 if HL 2 never came out? :p
Originally posted by ’m‚³‚ñ
you're forgetting something... Who are the people who PAY FOR THIS? We are, the gamers who buy the game. :rolleyes: Don't give me that stupid BS. These games don't exist because someone enjoys making them (well, most of them don't, but there are a few), they're here to make money. So, since we're going to be paying like $60 for this game, they might want to just get up and release it already.

What good is having HL 3 if HL 2 never came out? :p

Your not getting my point. They can take as long as they like.

Your proving my point down to the letter. Your just ready for a game. I am ready for a FINISHED game.

If you wanna pay $60 for a crappy game then be my guest. If they really wanted to release I am sure they would. And they would make crap loads of money.

But I think they have the same view I do. People will buy it no matter when it comes out. I know that no one will say...

"I had to wait too long now I am not gonna buy it"

I know I would prefer to make money on a good game, rather than make a quick buck on a crappy game.

I think they are staying true to the gaming community by releasing a 100% complete game. I would feel cheated if after all this they just gave in and released a half-assed game.
Originally posted by Spinal
Your not getting my point. They can take as long as they like.

Your proving my point down to the letter. Your just ready for a game. I am ready for a FINISHED game.

If you wanna pay $60 for a crappy game then be my guest. If they really wanted to release I am sure they would. And they would make crap loads of money.

But I think they have the same view I do. People will buy it no matter when it comes out. I know that no one will say...

"I had to wait too long now I am not gonna buy it"

I know I would prefer to make money on a good game, rather than make a quick buck on a crappy game.

I think they are staying true to the gaming community by releasing a 100% complete game. I would feel cheated if after all this they just gave in and released a half-assed game.

I dunno... I don't particularly care either way if the game is released or not. I'm obviously not going to buy it for a long time, regardless of when it actuall is released. I'm just pointing out that it really isn't right to set a 'concrete' release date then reliquidate it and move it back.

I'll go back to RTCW and Unreal II for a while, then CMR3 when I get bored with the other games.
Spinal, my gripe is not with how long the game is taking to complete at all. It's the fact that Valve outright lied to the most important part of their business, us. The climax for HL2 already passed on September 30th of last year. This was when everybody was expecting something, at least the HL2 benchmark (what the hell ever happened to that anyway?). Now that climax of game release gets dragged out and dulled down unnecessarily.

I would have much rather Valve just not ever said anything along the lines of the game coming out in Sept. When a developer consistently says the game will be "done when it's done", it might piss fans off for making them wait. However, when the game finally does come it makes it that much better if it is a hit (ie- Diablo 2), but can also backfire in the opposite direction (ie- Daikatana). Valve took that gamble and is probably more in the Diablo 2 boat rather than Daikatana. But then they shot themselves in the foot by being inconsistent and are in fact completely ignoring the consumers at this point. Valve definitely has a negative stigma in the gaming community at this point because they can't respect us enough to tell us the truth.

When the game finally does come out, gamers will feel like they've already been there, done that. It takes some of the magic away from the big wait and finally getting the gold at the end of the rainbow. If Valve is to pull a marvelous game out of its ass to renew players' interest and loyalty maybe they should try standing up first.
Originally posted by kennyfett
Heheheh...yeah, exactly.

or you can do what I did, and buy KOTOR...Man, I feel like I've been playing for weeks and I'm not off Taris yet...:D

That kotor any good? I am getting tired of nfsu and its cheating:rolleyes:

When/if hl2 and doom3 come out, I will be buying the collectors copy that comes in a tin/special box:D
Posting release dates then failing to deliver tells me only one thing : bad management. If I was an investor and they promised me profit this year then they tell me I might get it only next year I'd tell them to piss off. Btw who is paying the staff for all these delays ,someone has to. Sure Valve might have an awful spare cash in reserve but that doesnt mean it'll last for ever when they start getting anxious and they're still behind then they release a buggy piece of shit that might sell well but piss off a lot of folks , any game released with a list patches is the proof of that. So there is no way they can feed everybody that ' we're aiming for the perfect release' bullshit .
2 ATi HL2 cupons standing by...

The only reason why we want HL2 is to justify our empty wallets from spending too much money on high end computer parts.

Alright I said it.

Psyko M.
Originally posted by PSYKOMANTIS
2 ATi HL2 cupons standing by...

lucky bastard :p

Personally....i am getting tired of hearing all the crap from any side about Half Life 2.
I am just not excited about it anymore

But Doom3....I am still waiting for. Is there any current info on that? So far, i think weve seen more completed from Doom3 than HL2. I even think its gonna look better.

VIva la Doom~!
Originally posted by Absolut Talent
lucky bastard :p

Personally....i am getting tired of hearing all the crap from any side about Half Life 2.
I am just not excited about it anymore

But Doom3....I am still waiting for. Is there any current info on that? So far, i think weve seen more completed from Doom3 than HL2. I even think its gonna look better.

VIva la Doom~!

I'm sorry, my doom experienced died with the hype of doom64, the fact this one has moving light fixutres and shadows doesn't impress me.

Running around, killing shit, and pushing buttons is better left off to HL, were you actually have a FANTASTIC storyline, rather than hell comes, takes over, wants to kill you, you find gun, boom
The longer HL2 is delayed the happier I'll be. I was going to upgrade my PC right around now so I could see all the nice FX that HL2 has. I'm glad now that I can wait and get BTX/PCI-E/etc. and not be a year delayed from the game's release.

Plus I'd rather see a complete game being released. The more work Valve puts into their game the better, I trust them to make something as good as HL1 was but we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? No rush. ;)
Originally posted by eggrock
The longer HL2 is delayed the happier I'll be. I was going to upgrade my PC right around now so I could see all the nice FX that HL2 has. I'm glad now that I can wait and get BTX/PCI-E/etc. and not be a year delayed from the game's release.

I feel the same way. I'm glad it was delayed till this summer cause im waiting to see what the LGA 775 Prescott and 939 A64 processors do before i finish buying everything for my system. It wouldn't bother me a bit for some of the other big names like DOOM3 to get delayed till like July with HL2 ither.