I am playing HoN with my brother. It's fun, and a nice change of pace from LoL, it's a lot more like DoTA with denying, etc, etc. Like others have said, it basically is dota.

The problems for me, though, are ragers (angry people who talk a lot of crap, even in games labeled noobs/beginners), the fact that people refuse to concede even if it's 30 to 5 on kills and we are getting owned super bad, and people REFUSE to push and win, even when they are winning 30 to 5, and any one of them can solo our team, because they want to farm up 15000 gold worth of items before they win. This tends to drag games out to the 60 minutes or more mark, when they are over at 25 to 35. Some games go 60+ minutes because they are close games and neither team can push, but atleast 80% of the games i've lost have been drug on for an average of 30 minutes more than they needed to be played for. This leads to incredibly frustrating and boring spending of time, because there is literally NOTHING you can do.
I am playing HoN with my brother. It's fun, and a nice change of pace from LoL, it's a lot more like DoTA with denying, etc, etc. Like others have said, it basically is dota.

The problems for me, though, are ragers (angry people who talk a lot of crap, even in games labeled noobs/beginners), the fact that people refuse to concede even if it's 30 to 5 on kills and we are getting owned super bad, and people REFUSE to push and win, even when they are winning 30 to 5, and any one of them can solo our team, because they want to farm up 15000 gold worth of items before they win. This tends to drag games out to the 60 minutes or more mark, when they are over at 25 to 35. Some games go 60+ minutes because they are close games and neither team can push, but atleast 80% of the games i've lost have been drug on for an average of 30 minutes more than they needed to be played for. This leads to incredibly frustrating and boring spending of time, because there is literally NOTHING you can do.

It is, like L4D versus mode, definitely the kind of game that you need to play with other people you know and can count on for these very reasons. It's plagued by that special brand of "umad bro?" cocky, arrogant internet prick.
great game.. drop me a line if anyone wants to play or needs help. acct is under kenjiwing.
Awesome game I love it, but easily the worst community of players on the net. The amount of ragers is just astounding especially a new player.
try playing with any decent players and you'll see deny/last hit isnt such a easy thing. im thinking you are probably noob or have never played the game.

back on topic: over 23k players still playing impressive, i was expecting 10kish.

Lol. I've played DOTA since EoS and HoN since beta first came out. I've played in plenty of leagues and small tournaments. So please don't tell me I don't know how to deny/last hit. :rolleyes:

I can counter also by saying if you think it's really that "hard" you must be noob or not have played in many high level games! See what I did there? :rolleyes:

It's easy once you get the hang of it and your opponent's pace. The only real "hard" part is timing when your opponent is aggressive and actually getting used to the concept of it at first.

Now that it's retail, the number of players doesn't look too shabby but it also doesn't look too promising as a replacement to DOTA.
I'm enjoying LoL , I like how its setup but I don't like the ass ton of DLC .. its too divided , they need to make full packs that include a nice taste of everything , instead its a mess and new people really no idea whats what in the store.

HoN looks like it could be the real deal I'm excited for this , I hope it lives up.
prepurchased it. good game. just waiting for character balancing patches.
I'm more curious to see as how they're going to compete with SC2. I have no doubt that SC2 will have DOTA clones (god forbid there will be 10000x crap ones but eventually a good one will be made). With the new SC2 engine videos that I've seen, HoN's map editor doesn't hold anything to it. (Have you seen that third person shooter they made? SC Ghost custom map? :O )
I just picked up a copy of HoN after it released at retail, have been playing the beta with a group of friends for quite a while. I think it's a lot of fun but I have a group of five-six friends that play often. It's more fun playing with people you know in my opinion.

Sometimes the community leaves a lot to be desired though.
I just picked up a copy of HoN after it released at retail, have been playing the beta with a group of friends for quite a while. I think it's a lot of fun but I have a group of five-six friends that play often. It's more fun playing with people you know in my opinion.

Sometimes the community leaves a lot to be desired though.

yes. I try to get 5's if possible all the time. Most of the time i get not as smart teammates.
I don't get why the community is so bad in this game. I get the impression that a lot are college kids, but they act like 12 year old dickshits. Now TF2 community is awesome even though people whine about class indifference, everyone is chill when they're losing
Played for a week so far, and honestly im enjoying LoL far more atm. Maybe once i actually get decent ill go play some more HoN but it leaves a lot to be desired for a newer player.
the orginal dota creators didnt know jack about what made dota so popular. because it wasnt.

icefrog is who made dota popular, and he is currently developing a game with valve.

and HoN vs LoL, i tried out LoL this week and i gotta say i prefer hon alot more. lol felt way too casual. HoN isnt very noob friendly but there is a tutorial and lots of servers for newbs to practise on.
the orginal dota creators didnt know jack about what made dota so popular. because it wasnt.

icefrog is who made dota popular, and he is currently developing a game with valve.

and HoN vs LoL, i tried out LoL this week and i gotta say i prefer hon alot more. lol felt way too casual. HoN isnt very noob friendly but there is a tutorial and lots of servers for newbs to practise on.

dota was very popular before icefrog.. I used to be in TDA and was one of the people who helepd recruit icefrog when guinsoo quit and pendragon ninjaed the clan from him.

You have no idea what your talking about.