Horrible flickering in Team Fortress 2 with Crossfire (video)



Do any other Crossfire users experience something like this?

It's pretty annoying and I've tried a lot of stuff to fix it. Specs in sig.
Waiting on the vid dloading, im gonna assume though before seeing it that its the bug with the deathcam when it shows who killed you goes all liney? Same prob here with a 3870x2.

Just watched, yup i get that as well, obviously when you see it with your eyes you can see the lines\bars bouncing around where there it looks like an annoying flicker.
Been getting that type of video corruption since day one of TF2, and all other games that i have on my system.
I got something similar.... Except it covered the whole screen. The only way to make it go was stop crossfire and reboot.... Then I turned on crossfire it worked as usual. Very annoying bug if it can be called that.
I have the same thing when I play TF2. Here's to hoping that it gets fixed in the next driver release.

I technically don't have a crossfire rig, just a 3870 X2.
k, i just swapped to an x38 board and i still have the same problem... so there's definitely something wrong higher up from the chipset.

my guess is drivers since i have similar issues in other games.
It's the drivers I think. I have this all the time, but twice i've had the driver fail during the game, and it did a recovery. When it comes back the flickering is gone, but I believe it is because crossfire was disabled when the driver froze. it's probably a combination valve/ati problem with crossfire. It's not too much to worry about tho. other than that, the gun runs flawless on my 3870x2.
I get the same flickering in TF2 after you die and it shows what killed you.

It's actually rendering the player who killed you(tracking their movement) and and the first location of that player who killed you right when you died, one on each GPU. So it trips out w/the flickering.

When you die to a stationary opponent or sentry gun, the view will still flicker but since it's locked onto the same target, you get what basically looks like a horrible v-sync problem w/a black bar on the screen. Good times.. =[ They better fix this soon it's horrible!
Let me know. Installing the Catalyst driver and hotfix was really weird under vista64. It gave no indication it was still in progress after the initial reboot... took a few reboots. Dunno what was goin on with that. I'll change drivers if that's resolved and there aren't any other major issues..
Still happening under 8.2. arg... I'm gonna open a ticket w/AMD and Valve. arrrrrrrrrrg.
The flickering is still happening to me, but it's not as pronounced as it was with the 8.1's.
You're right, it's a bit better, or rather faster so less irritating.

Anyway if you set AA to 16x in the CCC and set it to disabled in the TF2 adv video options, it fixes it. Game seems a bit smoother too, odd.

I did some benchmarks with a demo I recorded while playing. I get a 3FPS drop w/16x AA and 8x AF vs no AA.. and way better IQ of course. hehe I'll take it! After some overclocking, Source engine performance should go up even more. It seems very CPU/system dependent after this test..
Thanks, that 16x AA thing worked beautifully. Game runs surprisingly smooth, too! :confused:
Yeah, I can't wait to do some overclocking and see how much better I can get things. :D
I was getting flickering in TF2 and removed one of the bridges (the one furthest from the bracket)...Problem solved. No performance degradation either.
It's highly unlikely you need Crossfire to push this game. If the flickering is driving you nuts disable CAT AI. That will turn off Crossfire on the HD 3870 X2. That's also good to remember for games where onboard Crossfire causes a performance hit vs a single card, like; Call of Duty 4, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, Tomb Raider: Legend, Hellgate: London, Gothic 3 and Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts.

Interesting review, Crossfire works fine in COD4 and COH Opposing fronts for me though get over 80FPS in COD4 with 4xaa and 16xaf so I'm not sure how much weight i'd put into it LOL Can't test any of the other games though as I don't own them.
Backlash, at max detail settings, 1680x1050 16x AA 8x AF the difference between single GPU and Crossfire operation is very noticeable. CPU is a larger factor in heavy action, lots of physics gibs flyin around etc but it's still very noticeable. I don't have good FPS comparisons cause the latest TF2 update broke the demo I had been using to bench the game.
I get flickering when I'm in steam and click the TF2 icon. Its starts to load tf2 and then the screens/windows start flickering back and forth. So I guess thats a different type of flickering...its between the windows like the steam window and the tf2 window are battlting it out to stay on top. Its only stoppable by ctrl alt delete.....but once in game no flcikering and game play is great.

PC Specs
This is a new Dell Inspiron 530 2.2 ghz, 4GB RAM, with the 256MB Radeon HD 2600 XT