Hostnames for specific services


Limp Gawd
Aug 9, 2005
I'm a bit new to networking so please bear with me. I have a home server which I'm running a few services on that I'd like to be able to access from the net, and I have a single static IP with my own domain. What I'd like to do is to restrict these services to certain hostnames.

Let's say I have a domain I'd like to connect to my teamspeak server with, but NOT through on it's own. At the moment I have the teamspeak hostname DNS record resolving to the same IP address that the root domain does, and I don't see how I could change this to get what I want, so how could I go about achieving this?
If these are all services behind your static IP, you have to use to access them. You can't have a subdomain point to a specific port number.

EDIT: Unless the application specifies the port number. IE: you telnet to it will automatically select port 23 unless you specify otherwise. With only one IP, there's no point in subdomains (unless you want to make stuff prettier.) or if you are redirecting them to a different folder on the webserver.
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remove your entry for

create entries only for,, etc...

Now, those entries will all point to the same IP address, which means that someone could point their teamspeak client to and connect successfully.

Some protocols will handle host-headers. almost all web servers for example. This is how you can have one server with one IP address handle 50 different web sites.

Will your teamspeak server or DNS server do so? probably not, but you'd have to look at the server and see if that is supported, or even possible with the protocol. Probably not.
You do not have the ability to "restrict" services (ports) using DNS, sorry. DNS is a port agnostic system.

Since everything is on the same IP address, and therefore the same A record, just make a bunch of CNAME records pointing at the A record ( and be done with it.
Thought so, just wasn't sure if there was something I was overlooking. Thanks all for the advice :)