Hot: Phen2 x4 830 OEM: $49.99 OEM @ MC

Here is a quick pic of the bare CPU in case anyone was curious about stepping etc..

looking like 14x256 is prime stable.

14x250 is stable for 8 hours.

all on stock voltage, 1333 mem clock, stock amd non heat pipe cheap cooler, temps through the roof. should do a little better with decent cooling and a bump in voltage. not bad for the price.
nice, these chips are probably good for around 3.8ghz with some voltage and decent cooling. need to pick one up. ugh, 40 minute drive here we come.
I have my wife's running at 14x225 3.15Ghz stock vcore in her SFF case with a stock AMD HS. No issues whatsoever. Prime95 still about 55c full load. No need to go higher but I'm sure it would.
Got mine to 4452mhz. Wprime stable.Under water.

Pretty nice for $50 bux. Might have to keep this and sell off the 2500K bundle instead!
Got mine to 4452mhz. Wprime stable.Under water.

Pretty nice for $50 bux. Might have to keep this and sell off the 2500K bundle instead!

Could ya give some system specs and voltages you got those results with?? ;)
I only bought the CPU cause it was $50 bux..... just to see what i could squeeze out of it.I have a bulldozer as well and used to have a 1090t.

Proof that the MB is the most important component when overclocking. This UD7 i have can post at 340FSB. And a top of teh line AMD board is still cheaper than top of the line Intel. Unless you have a MC close by!

thats an insane overclock. tempted to pick up a 990 board just for fun.
Would this be a decent upgrade from my e8400 for gaming and photoshop work?
Thinking of picking this up for my parents rig that is occasionally used by friends for gaming
I think you should consider moving to a sandy bridge setup instead.

I figured that was the case. Any suggestions as to which sandy bridge processor to look for? I know a 2500k would be great, but which one would be the lowest in the line and still considered an upgrade?
I figured that was the case. Any suggestions as to which sandy bridge processor to look for? I know a 2500k would be great, but which one would be the lowest in the line and still considered an upgrade?

Honestly even the i3-2100 would be a decent upgrade as it's 30%+ faster at rendering photoshop and delivers pretty good gaming FPS as well. But if I were you I'd shoot for at least the i5-2400.
Just picked mine up yesterday. I have it running at 3.1GHz right now on air cooling at 44 degrees C under full load using Prime95. I'm anxious to see how far I'll be able to push this little chip. For $50 it's a steal! :D
swapped over to 16gb of 1600 memory and now have it running at 4ghz prime stable. between this chip or my mobo, the combo didnt seem to like certain dividers with my other 1333 memory, no matter the voltage. moving to 1600 got me another 400mhz :D. i might be able to squeeze some more out of it yet, but the high fsb is the limiting factor i am sure.
I have one at 3.4 with 1.4v on stock cooler. Pretty fast cpu for $50 and it only pulls 95w
thanks op, needed an upgrade for my wife's sempron 140, ordered one, gives me an excuse to drive to kc
if you have a board that is up to it, 4ghz should be no problem with good cooling. I got mine up to 4.5 on water. Bang for the buck on this can't be beat.
Anyone have this with a Sabertooth 990FX? I bought one, and it will post, but not get in to BIOS or boot Windows. Its not on the supported CPU list on ASUS's site either. About to be pissed since I sold my 965 :(
Anyone have this with a Sabertooth 990FX? I bought one, and it will post, but not get in to BIOS or boot Windows. Its not on the supported CPU list on ASUS's site either. About to be pissed since I sold my 965 :(

I cannot think of a single reason why this CPU would not work on that MOBO. BIOS up to date? Or perhaps a downgrade BIOS would do it? Darn thing booted up and ran just fine in my wifes Biostar A760G M2+ and it's a much older AM2+ MOBO. :confused:
The board seems to have an issue bringing up the BIOS when going through my reciever to my projector. Tried it straight to a LCD and it worked.