HOTish... Dlink DIR655 $54.99 FS

good router for about 2 years then for the last 6 months mien been rebooting its self like crazy and keep DCing me are there any other good routers in the $50 range? or is this a good buy to replace one that's craping out?
Use to use Linksys routers, but they kept crapping out after a year or so. Tried Belkin, but their buggy as hell and I never could get a stable consistent connection. My DLINK 655 however has been rock solid for 3 years now. Good deal. I forwarded it to my sister and her husband as they have been waiting for it to go in sale to replace their old B (not sure of brand) router.
My A3 revision has been going strong since 2007. I guess it's the luck of the draw or something. I wouldn't mind picking up another for this price. Finall get my brother to get rid of that cheapo belkin router.
A3 rev here. Been using it since 2007 as well. Hardly any reboots. Never updated the firmware.
My DIR655 has solid, I've had it since the release. No reboots ever. It just has never been very good for streaming video.
Picked up one of these to replace my DI-524 Dlink router, had a giftcard through newegg for $40, and another for $15... so I paid 1 cent less than the taxes, or $3.98 total
I've been eyeballing this router for a while. I always go D-Link. I might get this in the off chance that my DGL-4300 bites the dust.
Bought mine back in 2007. Still working like a champ.

If your Router is rebooting, change out the power supply. I think the power unit is rated 5V @ 2A. I had this happening to me about a year and half back, switched out the power unit and problem solved.
Got mine in a package deal with a bunch of stuff about a year ago, was already used for undetermined amount of time, have not had one problem out of it.
I got a B1 HW version, and I swear that I have never thought I HAD to reset/unplug it... I ALWAYS do it to my modem, and then my problems are fixed, its never the router!! This router pwns.. and this price is sick.. I paid $75 for mine, and still think I got a deal.
Not a bad router, but like others mine has started flaking out after abou 2-1/2 years. Wireless signal seems to have decreased, and I get disconnected a lot. I work from home a couple times a week and I've had to move my work laptop down to my office and work off a hardwire connection. The connection will drop, which then disconnects my VPN connection and causes nothing but headaches. Really sucks because I like working from my recliner upstairs :) Physical connections on the router never drop, so it is definitely related to the wireless chipset in the unit.
went through a linksys and a dlink. Both died around 2 years. My asus was purchased as a "cheap tomato/dd-wrt" router....its been going pretty strong for $25. If I shop for another one I'd only consider it if I can use DD-WRT again.
In for one. Anything should be better than the router that comes with Verizon FIOS :D
I had one at release as well, but after 3 or so years, it started flaking out. Got a b1 rev about 8 months ago, but the wifi can't seem to keep up with my network connection. Hardwire speedtest hits 40+ mb/s. Wifi capped out at around 24. To make matters worse, about a month ago, it became flakey and now wifi is anywhere between 6-20 mb/s.

Trying to find a decent reliable router, but haven't had too much luck. Might be best to just use it as a router and then pop an aironet 1260 for the wifi. But if I go that far, may as well replace the dlink with a catalyst 1800.
3 years, about, but had some majors issues before. After pulling it to use as an aux wifi AP, it's been okay with it's much lighter load (I guess routing + firewall + WiFi AP for about 15 devices finally got to it).
I had one at release as well, but after 3 or so years, it started flaking out. Got a b1 rev about 8 months ago, but the wifi can't seem to keep up with my network connection. Hardwire speedtest hits 40+ mb/s. Wifi capped out at around 24. To make matters worse, about a month ago, it became flakey and now wifi is anywhere between 6-20 mb/s.

Trying to find a decent reliable router, but haven't had too much luck. Might be best to just use it as a router and then pop an aironet 1260 for the wifi. But if I go that far, may as well replace the dlink with a catalyst 1800.

From my experience, it seems all wireless routers eventually degrade over time. Linksys usually takes about 6-12 months. I usually get about 18+ out of the DLink's. I installed a cheap fan in mine just for the hell of it.
I have the first revision of this router. Awesome AWESOME router. rocking the 1.35NA firmware (last one they did for my revision).

About a year ago though, the WAN TRAFFIC SHAPING engine (QoS) started going nutz caused uploads to crawl (10KB/sec slow). I emailed Dlink about this, and they said it's been a common reported issue.

If anyone is having issues with their router, turn off WAN TRAFFIC SHAPING and stability / speed should return. Going to be hard to find another router once this one actually dies.
Well, that didnt last long. Sold Out. I was kinda hesitant about buying one, but after seeing most of the replies after I posted the deal, I'm fairly certain I didn't waste my money. Glad I bought it. It will be here tomorrow, looking forward to some stability and speed. Anyone interested in a flaky Linksys? LOL
Well, that didnt last long. Sold Out.
No doubt. It's a great router.

I use the little stand to keep the unit vertical and it seems to run cooler.

I've noticed heat seems to be a major factor in a router's lifespan. :)
Almost 3 days later is "not lasting long" ???

Wait, it'll be on sale again, and again, and again and again. I've seen it at this price before, I didn't pull the trigger before because I didn't have $55 worth of NewEgg gift cards :D
I really wish I knew what Dlink was going to replace the 655 with that's better than it.
Got mine in the mail today, hooked it up.

Stupid CD it SAYS to use sucks, it tried to read my old settings (ironically DLINK router too) I did give it my password. Had too much trouble trying to "easy configure" so went into the router itself did it myself.

Had an issue initially with my laptop jumping on G wireless, then I switched it to N only and it said 300Mbps connection (booyah!) switched back to G or N and I got stuck at 130Mbps...

Tried wireless transfer speed via FTP (filezilla) and it was horribly slow, like 10Mbps for some reason, need to figure out why later. Then via wire with the cat5e(?) cable supplied, jumped up to 1Gbps for an instant then leveled off between 700-900Mbps... yum yum

Router is much bigger than my old DI-524 too, don't really want to have it standing on end because it's so damn large, I'm tempted to hide it behind my monitor so I don't have to see it. And yeah I realize some routers are even larger.
Had mine for 2-3 years. It just recently started acting funny. Wireless performance definitely doesn't seem as good as it used to be.
I was stupid enough to forget that my Verizon FIOS is connected with moca instead of cat5.. Can I call Verizon to have them switch it to ethernet cable? I don't have FIOS TV, just the internet. Are they gonna charge for it?
Got it...setup was a bit of a PITA, but after some tinkering...good signal, good range, good deal. Didn't do any serious testing, but using my laptop's standard wifi I was getting 13mb down/4mb up per speakeasy speed test. Tossed in a D-Link USB N adapter and pull 28mb down/ 4mb up. Not sure how reliable the results are, but did it 3 or 4 times each and all results within a mb or so. As for range...much better signal in the distant areas of my house. Used to have a few spots with 1 or 2 stack everywhere. As long as it lasts a couple years....I'll be happy.
Didn't do any serious testing, but using my laptop's standard wifi I was getting 13mb down/4mb up per speakeasy speed test. Tossed in a D-Link USB N adapter and pull 28mb down/ 4mb up. Not sure how reliable the results are, but did it 3 or 4 times each and all results within a mb or so.

A new router increased your internet connection speed??
I guess I've been fortunate. Mine just passed the 4 year mark this past Christmas. Hopefully it keeps on doing fine, but if not I've been happy with it. If it fails, I would buy one again, especially at this price.