How Apple Users React To Every Apple Announcement

you can't see it in the frame -- but he had his dick out and sandwitched between two iphones for maximum pleasure.

I realize this is a comedy bit... and the reason we are all enjoying it and laughing is because we know for the most part it's true.

I've never seen or cared for this WWDC thing -- at the end of every day do things just break out into a random orgy of iphone flavored lubricant and freaky nerd on nerd sex?

5 bucks said you could build a sex doll that looks like steve jobs at once of these conferences, and more than a handful would pay real money for the chance... the chance... to suck it's dick.
It's like an alternate universe where adding transparency effects to a menu in 2014 is considered innovation and draws applause.
It's like an alternate universe where adding transparency effects to a menu in 2014 is considered innovation and draws applause.

You don't seem to have any people skills, otherwise you would understand why they say what they say. Something crazy called marketing, I suggest you look it up sometime.
"Can yours do that? No. Thats why I buy apple.... . . . I know you could but apple was waiting until they could do it the right way - it will be easier, it will just work"

In all honesty, apple products are extremely polished, and OS X is leaps and bounds far superior to windows in practically every aspect other than gaming.

Windows has become a completely unusable clusterf*** since windows 8, and Apple understands the concept of merging multiple devices into one usable cohesive unit. They really are doing it right.
In all honesty, apple products are extremely polished, and OS X is leaps and bounds far superior to windows in practically every aspect other than gaming.

Windows has become a completely unusable clusterf*** since windows 8, and Apple understands the concept of merging multiple devices into one usable cohesive unit. They really are doing it right.

Except the small bit that OSX and iOS are completely separate experiences and UI's because even Apple realizes that a Mobile UI on a desktop is retarded..but Other than two Completely different interfaces yea all about merging multiple devices...:rolleyes:
Their announcements have been boring. I do not want Apple involved in any aspect of my healthcare.
Pretty much everything they announced my windows phone already does :p hehehehe Apple Says iOS 8 Is Their Biggest Release Since App Store, yet its a catch up... go apple
I love this post from WhatsApp CEO
WhatsApp boss snarkily praises Apple on innovation - "Very flattering to see Apple "borrow" numerous WhatsApp features into iMessage in iOS 8 #innovation," the CEO tweeted, in response to new features such as being able to add or delete people from group chats or the ability to send voice or image media in messages - features WhatsApp has had for some time now.
Based on the "I Love Texas" sign stuck on his refer. He is Ok in my book. Yep I am stuck here in the POS State of the Socialists Republic of CA, very jealous.
Every time Apple announces a feature, it seems like they remove another useful feature (see: Server, and what a piece of crap it is compared to Snow Leopard for configuration)

In all honesty, apple products are extremely polished, and OS X is leaps and bounds far superior to windows in practically every aspect other than gaming.

OS X is leaps and bounds higher RAM requirements for doing the exact same day to day tasks. Web browsing sucks on a Mac, it's mud slow even with Firefox. The only polish it has is a UI that gets in the way of actual work. But hey, at least it's pretty? Windows 8.1 performs better on my MacBook for everything but battery life.
...Web browsing sucks on a Mac, it's mud slow even with Firefox. The only polish it has is a UI that gets in the way of actual work. But hey, at least it's pretty? Windows 8.1 performs better on my MacBook for everything but battery life.

As a person who is directly responsible for many millions of dollars e-commerce, I am quite interested in each individual browsers performance and to call Safari mud slow really is not an informed statement.

In terms of getting work done, I can get more done with the terminal program on a mac then most windows users can as a whole. OS X is *very* power user friendly, unlike windows 8's UI for dummies. Windows 8 is a joke for working on 4 or 5 programs at once on multiple monitors, which in my job simply is a necessity. Trust me, when it's time to make money and get it done, OS X is where it's at...
As a person who is directly responsible for many millions of dollars e-commerce, I am quite interested in each individual browsers performance and to call Safari mud slow really is not an informed statement.

In terms of getting work done, I can get more done with the terminal program on a mac then most windows users can as a whole. OS X is *very* power user friendly, unlike windows 8's UI for dummies. Windows 8 is a joke for working on 4 or 5 programs at once on multiple monitors, which in my job simply is a necessity. Trust me, when it's time to make money and get it done, OS X is where it's at...

Over Windows 7? Yeah right... keep dreaming.
Windows 8 is a joke for working on 4 or 5 programs at once on multiple monitors, which in my job simply is a necessity. Trust me, when it's time to make money and get it done, OS X is where it's at...

Desktop programs behave multiple monitors pretty much the same between 7 and 8. However with multiple monitors 8 has the advantage of the taskbar available each monitor in a independent monitor setup. And the Start Screen can be opened on any monitor as there's a Start Button per monitor. Multiple monitors is an area where many think that 8.x is actually better than 7 on the desktop because of these behaviors.
Crap where's the edit.

You don't seem to have any people skills, otherwise you would understand why they say what they say. Something crazy called marketing, I suggest you look it up sometime.

I think you are misunderstanding. It's not that we don't know what it is. It's that we know exactly what it is.;)
In terms of getting work done, I can get more done with the terminal program on a mac then most windows users can as a whole.

Congratulations, and big whoop. I can get more done with PowerShell on a Windows PC than most Mac users can as a whole too. Face it, "Most" PC and Mac users aren't particularly capable with computers, and most people here could make a similar statement to yours with whatever tools they use most. What makes your statement even worse though is that terminal programs are one of the most universal things out there. If you can kick-butt with on on Mac then you can do so with Windows 8 as well with a little practice, so it isn't even the OS making a real difference to your productivity.

OS X is *very* power user friendly, unlike windows 8's UI for dummies.

Sounds like you don't know much about the Windows 8 UI. It is extremely powerful on it's own, and there is a lot of freeware and low priced software that makes it ridiculously powerful.

Windows 8 is a joke for working on 4 or 5 programs at once on multiple monitors, which in my job simply is a necessity.
My normal business use of Windows 8 is to run 4 windows visible on two screens at one time. In addition I run 6-12 program/documents at a time and I am regularly switching them out and moving them around within those 4 "spaces". Getting the windows arranged and swapping them out is ridiculously fast and simple in Windows 8. A couple simple keystrokes gets any application I open exactly where I want it, and choosing and bringing one back up after another covers it is super easy too.

Besides, the multi-monitor support in Mountain Lion was horrible, and Mavericks arguably made it even worse, depending on how you used them. It really shouldn't be that hard to get right.

Trust me, when it's time to make money and get it done, OS X is where it's at...

If OS X were that great then I am pretty sure Mac would being doing better than less than 10% of the business market. And on a personal level, a large part of my (and millions of others) job involves using MS SQL Server Management Studio... So yeah, Mac ain't never going to happen.
In terms of getting work done, I can get more done with the terminal program on a mac then most windows users can as a whole.

Yes. Because, as we all know, Mac is the ONLY OS out there with a terminal client...

Yes. Because, as we all know, Mac is the ONLY OS out there with a terminal client...

Hey, Mac users gotta come up with SOME BS as to why they spent a bunch more money. It can't ever be "because I think it is trendy" or any of the real reason, no has to be some alleged productivity gain.

We see that shit at work. It is engineering, so a Windows a Linux shop, mostly Windows. That is just what the programs we have run on. Also, there's the fact that Windows and Linux understand basic enterprise functions like having good network authentication, and have an iSCSI initiator, the kind of things you need in a large work environment.

So our stuff runs on Windows (not a single program is Mac only and less than 40% will run on a Mac), the IT staff are Windows and Linux people, the central infrastructure supports Windows and Linux... So naturally you have to have a few Mac jackasses with BS justifications. It is always along the lines of "need" after which we show them how everything is available on Windows that they say they need. Then they complain about productivity, etc, and just go buy one anyhow.

Of course once they have it, there's continual whining about support issues. They have issues with the central storage (since Apple's CIFS/DFS handling is crap), they have issues with network authentication, they have issues with document compatibility, etc, etc.

But never do they say "Man that was a mistake, can you install Windows on it until I can get a new system?" No, they always invent silly, meaningless, reasons (like the terminal thing) as to why they HAVE to have a Mac.
In all honesty, apple products are extremely polished, and OS X is leaps and bounds far superior to windows in practically every aspect other than gaming.

Windows has become a completely unusable clusterf*** since windows 8, and Apple understands the concept of merging multiple devices into one usable cohesive unit. They really are doing it right.

Yup, its logical and they get it right. Windows is a Steam launcher for me and that's pretty much it. If SteamOS somehow handles backwards compatibility right then I'll be done with Windows, pointless spending money on something that gets so much wrong.

On topic, this WWDC surprised me. Usually its a snoozefest but the stuff they're doing for developers and under the hood is above and beyond. Interoperability between OS X and iOS devices is nice but its gravy in comparison.
If OS X were that great then I am pretty sure Mac would being doing better than less than 10% of the business market. And on a personal level, a large part of my (and millions of others) job involves using MS SQL Server Management Studio... So yeah, Mac ain't never going to happen.

You realize that Google has 50k Macs deployed, yeah? Everyone I know at Google and in Silicon Valley that does programming for the web does it on a Mac.

To talk about OS X relatively low marketshare when it is still extremely important is totally missing the point. Windows is obviously important in enterprise but there's more to life than a clerical operating system.

And did you really compare PowerShell with a Unix command prompt? Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.
And did you really compare PowerShell with a Unix command prompt? Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.

I won't get into my favorite shell zsh (it even has bash emulation), but the most commonly used environment on various *NIX distributions by default is some form of Bourne. There is no Kool-Aid being drank here by that poster, because you really CAN compare the two. Let me give you a syntax and same situation example:

Bash loop:
for ((x=1; i <= 3; x++): do echo $x; done

PowerShell loop:
for ($x=1; $x -le 3; $x++) { Write-Host $x }

Most scripting and programming languages available for *NIX, are also available in Windows, so "UNIX command line" vs "PowerShell" becomes a moot point, you can do basically the same thing with the right set of tools. Need grep? Use Select-String. Need sort? Use Sort-Object. Need uniq? Use Sort-Object -Unique. Need awk? Use Split. Need sed? There is Select-Object -Replace. Need tail? There is Select-Object -First and -Last.

What it all boils down to is being proficient with the tools at hand. OS X has weird internals, and seems like a toy for high load compared to the available counterparts. How many BSD boxes have you messed with that have .plist files associated with applications and configuration strung out all over the user directory? :mad:
In all honesty, apple products are extremely polished, and OS X is leaps and bounds far superior to windows in practically every aspect other than gaming.

Windows has become a completely unusable clusterf*** since windows 8, and Apple understands the concept of merging multiple devices into one usable cohesive unit. They really are doing it right.
That's like defending your test results to your parents by saying you beat the 'mentally challenged' kid in the class.
I was round a customers today that runs a Mac as well as other Windows gear. This is how far the distortion field has spread.

He asked me if I watched the presentation (why would I???).

He then said "Yeah it's great that Apple are making OSX and iOS more alike and combining them as they've been doing it for ages and Microsoft haven't bothered!"

I didn't even bother replying. I just carried on working.
5 bucks said you could build a sex doll that looks like steve jobs at once of these conferences, and more than a handful would pay real money for the chance... the chance... to suck it's dick.

Damn fucking funny...

yes... a steve jobs hater myself. But, I was around in the early days. The guy was a fucking total and complete douchebag-asshole. Though, (forgive me) he was a thieving evil genius.
Hilarious because that is basically how The Verge's live blog of the event read.