how do i install my ram CORRECTLY


Dec 28, 2004
i got a dual channel kit its uhm.. patriot 1gig (2x512)

heres the link on newegg:

anyways, i was reading through my new mobo's instruction bookelt thing and it had all kindso f combos to put memory into dual channel mode and stuff

my question is this:

in order to run the dual channel stuff best and correctly, which slots do they need to be in on the MSI k8n neo2 platinum motherboard? i mean my ram is like double sided i think i dont know it mgith not be but it IS dual channel so which sltos are the best?
dariob said:
put the ram into the same colored slots.

Exactly. One other way to look at it is if you have 4 ram slots. The 2 sticks of ram would go in slots 1 & 3 respectively... or 2 & 4. The best way to make sure you have it right is look through your mobo manual. It will tell you exactly which ram slots to plug the sticks into... and which ones should be filled first.
what viper said. Put the RAM in the slot thats green and purple that will give you "DUAL"
with the k8n neo2 u DO NOT put the ram in the same colored slots put it in the two slots closest to the CPU 1 green 1 purple this will give u the best stability. u could also put them in the two slots ferthest from the cpu again 1green 1 purple but that has been know to be unstable in some cases.
chipmonk010 said:
with the k8n neo2 u DO NOT put the ram in the same colored slots put it in the two slots closest to the CPU 1 green 1 purple this will give u the best stability. u could also put them in the two slots ferthest from the cpu again 1green 1 purple but that has been know to be unstable in some cases.

Are you serious? AFAIK, that would run it in single channel mode. Does this board have stability issues running in DC?
^ thats how u run in dual channel.....1purple 1 the manual. slots 1 and 2 are more stable then 3 and 4 both configs are dual channel. if u put the ram in like color slots dim 1 purple dim 2 purple ull be lucky if the board posts and u wont be in dual channel. MSI just decided to cause a ton of freakin confusion and changed the color scheme.
all the documentation for the neo2 is screwy, i wish they'd fix it. two the first to posters: i'm sorry, but you're wrong

just put the ram in the two slots that are closest to the cpu, as some others have said. there have been few rare occasions where the board will oc better with the ram in 3&4, but it's unlikely it will happen to you
thats what i thought .
the instructions have this HUGE table of every green/purple single sided / double sided ram / dual channnel / single channel

and it was REALLY confusing.

i read somewhere htta the two greens (1/3) where for dual channel but the neo 2s instructions said one green and onep urple and i was making sure.

anyways, does the memory being single sided or double sided chaneg anything?
it changes the oc'ability.. especially if you have 4 sticks of it, single sided will be way better. 4 sticks of double sided might not even work at ddr400 (200mhz), as is noted by the manual
however, the other side to this (no pun intended) is that double sided ram can be "bigger" and have a more ram on one stick. it's all just a tradeoff, density for speed
so to make my dual channel memory work at ddr400 i have to put one stick in the first green slot and then theo ther stick in the next slot over (1st purple)

it will still work even though tis dual sided right? if it even is i dunno. it has some kind of heatsink on the ram that covers up the actual "ram".
man, I simply do not understand the confusion on putting the memory in on the Neo2 to get dual channel.. You can't miss it.. IN BIG FRICKIN' STENCILED FONTS NEAR THE TOP OF THE BOARD CHANNEL A GREEN, CHANNEL B PURPLE..

it's not this hard..

no offense to anyone, but there have been so many posts on this, and it's as clear as day..
sigh. you just confused the hell out of me even more. lol.

i opened up my mobo box earlier and saw the cha A and the CHA b labeld near the top fo the board. does htis mean that i need to run my memroy in both the a channels in roder oth ave the ddr 400 . lol i suck at this. noobletness goin on here.

ugh.. so heres the deal.

looking at my ram, between the heatsink on the outermost edges, and then in the middle is black stuff (the ram i guess) and then all thel ittlep ins and then the bread board itself. i am going to assume that i have double sided memory.

i have two 512 sticks that came in a 1gigabyte DUAL CHANNEL memory kit for DDR400.

my mother board has FOUR slots for ram.

1 green, 2 purple, 3 green, and 4 purple

the instructions arent very clear about all of this so, in order to run my memory in DUAL CHANNEL DDR400 mode do i need to have my sticks in slot #

1 and 3 (green and then green)

or 1 and 2 (green and then purple)

people who have this board with double sided memory ad a dual channel memory setup like mine (2x512) plz respond. sorry im so cunfuzed in all this but so many answers who do i know is right?

:confused: :confused: :confused: :(
almost all 512mb sticks are double sided.. just put the ram into the bottom 2 slots near the CPU.. which will be 1 green and 1 purple.. The board will also tell you on boot if it's running in dual channel mode.. You will probably need to go into the bios and set up the ram manually, to make sure that it has the correct timings, speed, and voltage..
OK, did some googling ofm yo wn and found THIS:

"Unfortunately it's easy for one to get confused when installing memory into the K8N Neo2 Platinum. After reading the manual carefully, memory must be installed in slots one and two, or three and four to enable dual channel memory support. If all four slots are used then the pairs must be one, two and three, four. Other motherboards (including older MSI motherboards) typically colour coordinate which DIMM slots are channel A and channel B, but things are obviously quite different on the K8N Neo2 Platinum."

from what i gather most motherboards have either :

the same interchanging color scheme but 1/3 and 2/4 on most boards is equivalent to 1/2 and 3/4 on the msi board.

or they have slots 1/2 and 3/4 different colors (instead of itnerchangingl iek the msi board.)

anyone care to comment on the above two things?
I never had this much confusion over this.. You have 2 colors for the dimm slots.. 1 for each memory channel.. To get dual channel to work, then you must have a dimm in a slot for each channel..

SOOO.. 2 colors, 1 for each channel, put a dimm in each color to enable dual channel.. Why the hell would it make sense to put them in the same color slots? That seems completely back asswards to me..
well to me it would seem that you would get DUAL channel by putting your DUAL sticks in the DUAL colored slots. not putting my Dual channel memory and its DUAL sticks in ONE of each color.

but w/e, the mystery is solved.
Just for the record, I have no stability problems running in 3/4. Check my sig, thats with the ram is 3/4 and the booster in two.... thats the only way it fits. With ram in 1/2 and booster in 4, the volatge nob is a tad to low, and hits the heatspreader.

booster? nob? lol

i see your in chicago , ill be ehadgn there in june (also the reason i got my new comp)
The booster he is referring to is the OCZ DDR Voltage booster. it allows you to send more voltage to the ram, over what the board can provide on it's own. It's alot easier, and doesn't vooid your warrant, vs. volt modding the board.. Unless you need to have more than 2.85v to the RAM, you don't have to worry about it..
92Camaro said:
well to me it would seem that you would get DUAL channel by putting your DUAL sticks in the DUAL colored slots. not putting my Dual channel memory and its DUAL sticks in ONE of each color.

but w/e, the mystery is solved.

Well your also the one building a computer for the first time, remember ;) :D So...I think we would know.

Dual Channel
1 Mem in the Green
1 Mem in the Purple

On a MSI K8N Neo 2 Nforce 3 Ultra

All mobos are different for setting up memory in dual channel, the rules for one do not apply to the other necessarily.

Learn to read your mobo manual. The one for this board clearly shows how to set this up correctly.

That wasn't necessarily for the initial poster as he wanted clarification on how to read the manual. But for those offering (incorrect) advice without knowing for can always go to msi's website and read the mobo manual yourselves in pdf format.
i think thats the story of this thread....misinformation, u should really know for sure before you tell someone who may be counting on your advice what is the correct way of doing something. but anyway all is well now and the mystery has been cleared up.
Yes use the duel slots that match, usually color coded. Read the manual to be sure.

I have also heard that you should choose them based on which set has a shorter trace on the motherboard to the bus. These are supposed to be "faster" then the other set. However, I'm not sure if this is true though ??
msny said:
Yes use the duel slots that match, usually color coded. Read the manual to be sure.

I have also heard that you should choose them based on which set has a shorter trace on the motherboard to the bus. These are supposed to be "faster" then the other set. However, I'm not sure if this is true though ??


oh man . did you not read the thread?

lol we JUST clarified this. use ONE PURPLE AND ONE GREEN (for this mobo anyways), not the ones that match. omfg. lol

thats exactly what ole dude was talking about. misinformation.
92Camaro said:

oh man . did you not read the thread?

lol we JUST clarified this. use ONE PURPLE AND ONE GREEN (for this mobo anyways), not the ones that match. omfg. lol

thats exactly what ole dude was talking about. misinformation.

I guess you don't understand the word USUALLY, sonny boy. I did not give misinformation, I said "Read the manual to be sure".....

Some people need to learn to listen better.
no. you said "use the dual sltos that match. the two slots for my ram on my motherboard do not match in any way other than they are ram slots. one is channel A and one is channel B, match? nope!, one is green, on is purple. match? NOPE!

you said use the ones that macth , usually colored coded. if i used the matching color coded ones on mine green/green or purple/purple i would not have my ram running in dual channel mode. it has to be the two different ones (chan a/b and g/purple.)

sorry but you were wrong.

Why are you people still arguing about this?

For the MSI K8N Neo 2 Board, its Purple/Green.

Everyother Board = Read Manual

/Thread For Real this time.
Viper87227 said:
Put your ram in eaither slots 1 and 2 or 3 and 4.
No ignore him I have the k8n Neo 2 platnum imn my new comp. you put it into the teal slot closest to the processor AKA slot 1 and than into the second teal slot AKA slot 3. than the purple slots 2 and 4
holy crap dude read your manual and dont post bullshit like that. its 1(green) & 2(purple) or 3(green)&4(purple) for dual channel end of thread. if you wanna run it wrong go ahead but dont come in here n tell people the wrong thing and cause all kinds of confusion. un-freakin-believable.....
92Camaro said:
oh my god. this thread is out of control.
agreed. i move for a lock because the problem has been settled and this thread is no longer needed
(cf)Eclipse said:
agreed. i move for a lock because the problem has been settled and this thread is no longer needed

I second that.

Motion Passed.

chipmonk010 said:
holy crap dude read your manual and dont post bullshit like that. its 1(green) & 2(purple) or 3(green)&4(purple) for dual channel end of thread. if you wanna run it wrong go ahead but dont come in here n tell people the wrong thing and cause all kinds of confusion. un-freakin-believable.....

dude i said put it in 1green and 1 pruple. so i dont know who your talking to
i was talking to spike...but i vote for a lock as well theres no reason to keep fighting about it its done and over with.
A 39-post thread about how to insert memory the right way? Most interesting. ;)
iddqd said:
A 39-post thread about how to insert memory the right way? Most interesting. ;)

Tell me about it lol.

Dual Channel means two channels working togethor to effectively double the available bandwidth. On the K8N Neo2 the green slots are one channel and the purple slots are one channel. If you install both DIMM's into green or purple slots instead of one of each (green + purple) then that means your only making use of ONE channel.