How do you make Backgrounds stick in Flux?


Apr 21, 2004
How do you make Backgrounds ( wallpaper) stick in Flux? Everytime I reboot, it goes away. I did what the fluxbox forum said, but it no workie! :confused:
Edit ~/.xinitrc and add the "xsetbg" command you're using to it. That should do it.

unhappy_mage said:
Edit ~/.xinitrc and add the "xsetbg" command you're using to it. That should do it.

Thanks mage! Do I add anything to "xsetbg" or just add that line?

xsetbd /home/wallpaper/lololol.jpg

Just add that. Remember, commands are executed in order, so if you want to get rid of the black/grey pattern as fast as possible, put it first. Give it its own line, too; this is basically a shell script, so it's run exactly as you type it. Just "xsetbg /path/to/background".

unhappy_mage said:
Just add that. Remember, commands are executed in order, so if you want to get rid of the black/grey pattern as fast as possible, put it first. Give it its own line, too; this is basically a shell script, so it's run exactly as you type it. Just "xsetbg /path/to/background".

thanks mage, you da man!