How many of you guys are playing guild wars 2?


Feb 4, 2005
Just curious. First mmorpg I have gotten into in a long time.

If so, what server you guys on? I am on Henge.
The [H] guild is on Borliss Pass. If you read the GW2 thread you would get a good idea how many of us are playing. There are about 30 of us active on there.
The [H] guild is on Borliss Pass. If you read the GW2 thread you would get a good idea how many of us are playing. There are about 30 of us active on there.

thread was close to 300 pages and started last year. I was hoping for a more current idea.

30 is a pretty low number, I guess, though my guild only seems to have maybe 5-10 of us active.

I have 2 level 80s, and feel a little let down with my guild.
I've got a level 79 mesmer on Anvil Rock. You Borlis Pass guys are going to have to step up your game against us in WvW :cool:
got to level 23 and am bored. haven't played in weeks.

Wish I could sell my account somehow lol.
Most of us are on Borlis, and in the Smoke n Fire guild (message TheToe).

Alongside us in the server, there are a lot of other people from Toe guild that don't go on here, but are still great people to be around. Lot of people on at all times.
I kind of slowly fell out of love with it. Went back to WoW, leveling with the wife and enjoying it very much. Granted, we still haven't gotten out of the new "old" content yet... but it's very nostalgic.
I kind of slowly fell out of love with it. Went back to WoW, leveling with the wife and enjoying it very much. Granted, we still haven't gotten out of the new "old" content yet... but it's very nostalgic.

I hear you, I know what it's like to level with someone else (or more people even) in WoW, it can be fun, especially if the content is new. Personally, I found it more fun to do GW2 leveling with all the people you meet and then teaming up to kill some of the tougher mobs. Might be that it's just "new" for me, as opposed to WoW, which I've played since before its inception.
I hear you, I know what it's like to level with someone else (or more people even) in WoW, it can be fun, especially if the content is new. Personally, I found it more fun to do GW2 leveling with all the people you meet and then teaming up to kill some of the tougher mobs. Might be that it's just "new" for me, as opposed to WoW, which I've played since before its inception.

Last night I was farming a troll camp and met 5 others who came to try the champion mob there. we ended up running the zone and doing some of the story arcs and group events for a couple hours. Was good times.
Last night I was farming a troll camp and met 5 others who came to try the champion mob there. we ended up running the zone and doing some of the story arcs and group events for a couple hours. Was good times.

Pretty sweet isn't it? I have moments like that all the time, my friends list is literally packed chock full of awesome people.
I have not really made any friends in game and cannot get me other gaming friends to stick around. Logged in last night to do some PVP but literally logged out 2 mins later. /forever-alone
I have not really made any friends in game and cannot get me other gaming friends to stick around. Logged in last night to do some PVP but literally logged out 2 mins later. /forever-alone

That sucks then. I'd hop on over to our server and join us, lot of people around.
I'm on Fort Aspenwood. Timeberline falls was pretty much abandoned last night. Annoying being the only person around. I guess most people moved on to to Orr.

I think at some point ANet should overflow all low level zones.
Sea of Sorrows

What I enjoy about this game is the ability to come together when an event starts, beat the event and then everyone carry on their own ways. There's no need to organize any party just to explore and take on chain of events. You don't have to compete with others too as there's no such thing as kill stealing or rushing to be the first to gather those ores.

Have yet to try out PvP though. I'm hearing some complains that players tend to switch server to the winning side in a world vs world event. Which reminds me of Battlefield 3, I've had this issue countless times where if my team is losing, people start leaving and the game gets retarded with only 1 or 2 people left in my team.
Stormbluff Isle. I still love the game as much as the first day I started playing. Which is huge for me since I've tried tons of MMO's after calling it quits with WoW.

I have a level 80 guardian and ranger in full exotics and working on a warrior. My warrior is level 55 at the moment and should hit 80 this weekend.

The game is very fun and there's lots to do.
Isles of Janthir here. Got a lvl 55 Elementalist and considering starting a Mesmer too. I usually only play 1 characters in games, dont like having to do everything all over again.

Game is a lot of fun and works well for me as I work 2 jobs and go to school. So I manage to play here and there on my own schedule and still keep up with the guild, WVW & PVP.
fighting the urge to click the uninstall button

however, i don't need the hard drive space....yet
Got a Warrior to 49 and an Elementalist to 62 or 63. I either burned myself out, or something just felt missing, and ended up getting bored. It's temporarily shelved, I'm sure I'll pick it back up later.
I just lost interest. It was fun exploring, but to me it seemed like they put all the "gear chase" at the end game.

If you want the best gear you have to griiiiiiind for it.

If you want any of coolc/unique gear, you have to grinnnnnnnnnd for it.

Want that awesome dungeon gear? Ok run the dungeon 60+ times.

Yeah......that's exactly the opposite of what I was looking forward to in GW2.
I'm playing currently. Human Guardian level 20. Sea of Sorrows

Not sure what to make of my time so far and how long i will stay committed to playing it though.
Made it to 80 for the first time just last night, and I'm in no hurry to do it again. On the plus side at least the levelling doesn't really slow down as you progress. On the down side: bugs. Lots and lots of bugs.
I've been pretty disappointed by how superficial the polish is, increasingly so as you progress. That, and the typical MMO monotony and repetition of course.
Made it to 80 for the first time just last night, and I'm in no hurry to do it again. On the plus side at least the levelling doesn't really slow down as you progress. On the down side: bugs. Lots and lots of bugs.
I've been pretty disappointed by how superficial the polish is, increasingly so as you progress. That, and the typical MMO monotony and repetition of course.

This is the census my friends gave me about GW2. Fun up front and lots of "still in construction" the further down you go. I have to say it surprises me considering GW2 was announced in what? 2007? That's quite a long time in development and the whole "its an MMO and it will have bugs/balancing issues" kinda gets thrown out the window with a 5 year development cycle.

That excuse certainly didn't work for SW:TOR.
on another forum, some guy posted its a '3rd person action game thats rpg-lite'

I read that and got the 'aha' moment...that guy nailed the description of this game perfectly imho

another guy said the last 3 mmo's released have been '30 day wonders'...i can't agree more..SWTOR, TSW and now GW2...i played all 3 and after 30 days, stopped playing...LOL

glad I'm not the only one
Have 2 friends that started in GW2 it wasn't long before they said enough.
Not enough content and boring was their final statements.

Bangorang biggest let down to me was Rift, after 30 days they nerfed everything to the ground saying PVP and that is the way it was when I quit a couple of months later, 2 50's 1 47 and a 30ish. Waste of time but the leveling was easy.

Wow after king was the fall/fail of the industry in my eyes. How to F up a game thanks Ghost Crawler you pos
I'm still playing but not as regularly as when it first came out. Since there is no monthly fee, I don't feel pressure to log X many hours into the game. So I pick it up here and there, like three times a week maybe, sometimes less and sometimes more. Its not like EQ or EQ2 thats for sure...
I'm on Henge of Denvri or how ever you spell it.. I don't know about you guys. but it gets kinda of boring after level 80.. I felt like I have been lied to by the pre-release hype.. i.e what happened to all the dragon events that they boasted at game cons? its just three dragon events.. and they aren't all that exciting after you have killed them the first time.
oh yea.. WvW is just running around in zerg groups :/
I've been back and forth on it some days I like it others I just don't care for it.

There's a lot of mob bugs, mostly underwater as you get to higher levels underwater mobs bleep out and you can't hit them. I think underwater combat just sucks and is annoying.
Underwater was a MASSIVE fail imo. Not because the aspect of water travel sucks, I actually think it's quite neat.

However instead of focusing on TRAVEL and having cool things to "explore" underwater, they just throw a SHIT TON of aggro mobs in it and every 5 fucking feet you are swarmed with shit.

The mobs underwater are also 10x more annoying. You fight one and the time you're done another one ha saggro'd to you.

They should have instead of making underwater about "combat" made it more about exploration, finding things, etc.
mostly underwater as you get to higher levels underwater mobs bleep out and you can't hit them

Oh hell yes. And it's not even like they're leashing, you can be right on top of their spawn point and suddenly they're invulnerable and reset for absolutely no reason. Definitely a contender for my #1 most annoying bug.

It's also irritating that they don't seem to be doing anything about the many (in the case of some personal story missions, game-breaking) bugs and yet they've got time to piss away on cosmetic festival crap. Content which will all bug out and be unplayable within a couple of days, because they haven't addressed the underlying problems.
Underwater was a MASSIVE fail imo. Not because the aspect of water travel sucks, I actually think it's quite neat.

However instead of focusing on TRAVEL and having cool things to "explore" underwater, they just throw a SHIT TON of aggro mobs in it and every 5 fucking feet you are swarmed with shit.

The mobs underwater are also 10x more annoying. You fight one and the time you're done another one ha saggro'd to you.

They should have instead of making underwater about "combat" made it more about exploration, finding things, etc.

I agree with this. Underwater is fucking annoying as hell. Think it was the PvP zone but there is an underwater zone where you can swim through a sewer pipe into a castle. That was cool.
Underwater was a MASSIVE fail imo. Not because the aspect of water travel sucks, I actually think it's quite neat.

However instead of focusing on TRAVEL and having cool things to "explore" underwater, they just throw a SHIT TON of aggro mobs in it and every 5 fucking feet you are swarmed with shit.

The mobs underwater are also 10x more annoying. You fight one and the time you're done another one ha saggro'd to you.

They should have instead of making underwater about "combat" made it more about exploration, finding things, etc.

Its really not that bad at all, I've had no difficulties under water except trying to fight champions. I like the water area, its a refreshing chance of pace and its pretty. You can avoid most all of them in the game if so choose. I will say that some character classes have a tougher time underwater than others, but those same classes struggle on land more than others too. Squishy is squishy no matter if you're on land or underwater.
I've got a level 52 Guardian now, level 32 Ranger, level 21 Elementalist, level 20 Thief, level 20 Mesmer, level 20 Warrior, level 11 Necro and a mule level 3 Engineer. My pace has slowed in the game, I'm not doing 3+ hours per day anymore, I'm getting maybe one hour per day split with some BL2 and XCOM time. No subscription though means I can play anytime I want for free so I'm not complaining. GW2 is 3-4x bigger than GW was in content, but it feels like half the game in design. I dearly miss the original addiction I had to the original GW.
underwater is atrocious and so is the grind for mats required for higher level pieces. they also need to better balance the classes. the OP greatsword warrior is a perfect example

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I'm on Borlis pass also though I haven't played in probably close to 2 weeks. It hasn't really griped me like some of the other rpgs that I've played. I had a blast for the first new weeks but then it just seemed to get old. I'm still working on trying g all the different classes. One of these days hope I find one that I like.