How many of you have cell phone without contracts?

What kind of cellular contract do you have?

  • I'm in a contract and I hate it!

    Votes: 7 7.8%
  • I'm in a contract but don't mind.

    Votes: 48 53.3%
  • I'm contract free and loving it!

    Votes: 23 25.6%
  • I'm contract free but will be signing a new contract soon.

    Votes: 8 8.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 4.4%

  • Total voters


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2002
How many of you guys and gals have cell-service free of contracts and agreements? Besides not being locked in to a specific company, what are the other benefits?

Reason I ask:

At the end of this summer, my and my wife's 2-year agreement is up with Sprint. We will both want new phones, but I hate being locked into one carrier, so I'm leaning away from their 2-year agreement. I like holding the threat of leaving over them, and I think it promotes better customer service. I like Sprint's coverage everywhere I go, but their customer service blows, and more than once, we've had glitches with billing that require multiple extended calls to their crappy '*2' service (even after going to the Sprint store. I feel that most other carriers aren't a whole lot better, and at least I have good coverage.

Cost of two new phones (w/o contract): ~$750 (Pre and a simpler one for the wife)
Cost of two new phones w/ contract: ~$200
Additional per month cost over 24 months: ~$23

is it worth $23 a month to go contract-less?
Cost of ETF's: $400. Still $150 cheaper than buying phones at full retail. So no. Secondly, not being on contract doesn't necessarily mean better CS. I used to work in a call center for a carrier and did not care if someone left, although I gave good service to everyone that called in.
I don't have a contract. Means I paid $500 for my HTC Touch Pro, but I'll live with that...
I don't have a contract. Means I paid $500 for my HTC Touch Pro, but I'll live with that...

Why? Do you just like the freedom, or are you planning on selling it early, then maybe switching?

I'm just curious on people's ways and reasoning.
I', contract free. I live in Korea, and i've found that going pay-as-you go i cheaper than a contract. I go through 10 dollars every 2 weeks. so $20 a month and i get everything i need. And, if that month is a heavy calling/texting month, i can just add more min to my phone!
Why? Do you just like the freedom, or are you planning on selling it early, then maybe switching?

I'm just curious on people's ways and reasoning.
I change phones often and don't like paying $30 a month for a data plan. I also don't like being stuck with my carrier (AT&T).
Contract here, £20 a month covers all my calls (600 mins), unlimited texts and I didn't have to pay £600 for my phone.
once you are out of your current agreement, use it to your advantage! 2 months ago i was in your situation. I did some shopping around, and managed to land a firm corporate package with my company for 2 iPhones for 200$ (For both) and a monthly rate plan of 115$ (for both phones) with unlimited data text ect... I brought the details to a Sprint retention rep and we negotiated a similar package for 2 touch diamonds and a unlimited data 1500 shared rate plan for the same price. So once you are out of contract do some shopping and then use your findings to your advantage! Seriously Sprint is hurting for customers now so use it to your advantage if you like the coverage area and don't plan on going to another carrier then try to get to squeeze sprint for the best rate possible.
I voted "I'm contract free and loving it!" because my contact is up in a week and i have no plans to renew. I was also 2 years without a contract prior to renewing it for a new phone. I have t-mobile, i like the customer service, like the coverage, but the phones they offer don't get me all hot and bothered so I would rather get an unlocked phone that fits what I want, and I also have the ability to leave if they piss me off.

My GF just got a new unlocked phone with T-mobile as well, she is contract free since January.
I had a 2 year contract with Nextel in about 2005 and it ended in 2007. I was free a few months, but ended up cancelling, only to resign a 2 year contract with Sprint because I got on their Sero plan. I barely notice $43 w/ insurance and taxes. Before I was paying like $100 for my phone with all the same things. I have a year left now, but I'm extremely content with this plan. I don't know if I can renew my contract for 2 years if I want to upgrade a phone now or whether it be once my contract is up because they have new Sero plans that start at like $60. If that's the only way I can upgrade my phone by getting the new Sero rates, then I will just buy whatever phone I want up front and keep the $30 ($43 w/ insurance and taxes) Sero plan for as long as I can.
Cost of ETF's: $400. Still $150 cheaper than buying phones at full retail. So no. Secondly, not being on contract doesn't necessarily mean better CS. I used to work in a call center for a carrier and did not care if someone left, although I gave good service to everyone that called in.

ETF with Sprint was $200 when I signed up and $175 with Verizon last year. Who has a $400 ETF? unless you were talking about two lines. Verizon's ETF goes down each month till it reaches a certain point, I think $140.
I'm out of contract currently on the Sero plan with sprint I'm not sure if I'll be able to renew and keep it. Then again I'm not sure I want to renew with sprint/get a phone through them since if they do go under my CDMA phone will be useless with most other carriers.
I was out of contract with T-Mobile for over 2 years before I recently purchased a couple iPhones and a new plan with AT&T. One of the huge benefits of being out of contract is the ability to leave at a moments notice. Customer Service _always_ tried to get me onto a new contract, especially when I would request special favors (change start time for nights/weekends, increase the number of bonus minutes from being long time customer, etc.).
ETF with Sprint was $200 when I signed up and $175 with Verizon last year. Who has a $400 ETF? unless you were talking about two lines. Verizon's ETF goes down each month till it reaches a certain point, I think $140.

Seeing as how he was talking about 2 lines of service, 2x$200=$400.
I technically don't have a contract with ATT and I'm using an iPhone 3G currently. I like being without a contract but I may get put on one depending if I decide to get the new iPhone or not.
I believe it all depends on what you do and what you want. If a carrier provides a plan that you can make use + phone you want, I don't see why not? If you see a phone you like but don't need all the data/texting/unlimited/etc, then I would just cough up the extra for an unlock phone and use that. A rather pay 400-600 for a unlock phone to my liking then to be stuck with a 2 year contract and pay 100+ a month and that is PER PHONE depending on your contract/plan. That 400-600(phone) + 720 a year (60 per month) compared to 200(phone)+ 1200 a year(100 per month). But all depends on your needs and wants.

I paid 450 for a unlocked Mio A701 3 years ago (going on 4) and paying about 70 per month (includes 3 other phones) for my plan. I don't text alot, or use the internet a lot on my phone but I do need the organizer for my busy schedules, powerpoint and GPS. With it unlock, i get to choose whatever service,well mostly likely either AT&T or T Mobile, and choose whatever plan that suits my usage. I don't need unlimited calls/texting/data plan. Getting a 100 plan is just pointless for me especially if 90% of the places I go usually have wifi....
contract free on AT&T with some cheap Samsung flip phone I bought on clearance at Best Buy for $10.

My company is switching over to Verizon and I absolutely hate their UI which is why I keep putting off the switch. I would rather use this cheap flip phone which doesn't even have a camera. I figure eventually I will be forced to switch but no idea what phone I will go with.
I have 1 line without a contract and will have 2 more by the end of the year. But, the kind of perks I am getting and the amount I am paying, I'd ratherbe locked with Spring forever:)

I am waiting new moto q from motorolla
How do you get the SERO plan? Is there any way aside from having a work based phone to getting it? I could use some help to cut down on my bill.
How do you get the SERO plan? Is there any way aside from having a work based phone to getting it? I could use some help to cut down on my bill.

I don't know how hard it is to get the Sero plan now, but I know the cheapest is $60 if you still can.

You can always take over someone's contract over at Go to Sprint and find plans under $30 and there are usually a few on there. Some people only have a few months left, so it's a pretty sweat deal.

You can look on there for more. I stopped looking after 5 pages.
iPhone on T-Mobile Sidekick Prepaid. No contract. ~$30/month unlimited text, unlimited data, $0.15/minute.
ATT service works well in California so I plan on staying in a contract as long as I stay in the state. I like getting a new iphone every year :)
iPhone on T-Mobile Sidekick Prepaid. No contract. ~$30/month unlimited text, unlimited data, $0.15/minute.

Mind explaining how that works? Been trying to eek out an iPhone-based solution for prepaid service forever and never found one that works... and exactly what is unlimited, the text/data, and voice calls are 15 cents a minute?