How much of an upgrade would this be(visually)?


Limp Gawd
Dec 19, 2009
I bought the Acer p241w almost two years ago out of desperation from a Circuit City, and I was thinking of upgrading soon. The spec sheet on monitors eludes me; it's as if I'm reading a whole different language. Can any of you gurus break it down for me? How much of a visual upgrade would I expect going from this Acer monitor...

To something like this?

I'm sure I'll get a few asking why I wouldn't go for broke and save up to get the 3007. The reason being is that I don't want to have to upgrade my video card with each generation just to handle games at such an extreme resolution. I would be primarily watching movies/gaming/cruising the net with said monitor, and I hear the color vibrancy on those Dell ultrasharps is astounding.
An 8800GT runs MW2 on a 30" fine. You won't have to upgrade every generation in the slightest. Maybe every 2-3 years.
An 8800GT runs MW2 on a 30" fine. You won't have to upgrade every generation in the slightest. Maybe every 2-3 years.

MW2 isn't much of a graphical beast :p. Games that would easily push any card to its limits would be GTA4, Crysis(no duh), Dirt 2, and maybe l4d2? I'm talking max settings here. I couldn't stand my 9800gtx at 1920x1200 with 4xAA(especially with WoW, holy crap did it do pretty badly with the draw distance at half in the wotlk areas).
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The Dell U2410 is a higher quality monitor than the Acer because it uses a H-IPS LCD panel.

You should notice less color shifting when you turn your head because of wider viewing angles. Black levels and backlight bleeding will probably be better as TN panels (Acer) seems to have more backlight bleeding issues than other panel types. Generally colors should look better, but this requires calibration.

There might be slightly more ghosting since TN panels generally have the fastest listed response times. Actual response times are generally much slower than what manufacturers list. Whether listed at 2ms, 5ms, 6ms or slower there is always a chance you will see ghosting.
I'd avoid wide gamut monitors such as the U2410, espcially for gaming. Wide gamut produces oversaturated colours. This monitor also emulates the standard colour space, but doing so raises the input lag.
I'd avoid wide gamut monitors such as the U2410, espcially for gaming. Wide gamut produces oversaturated colours. This monitor also emulates the standard colour space, but doing so raises the input lag.

Wide gamut or not, the U2410 will provide superior image quality over any TN panel.