How to Enable AA+HDR in Oblivion


Limp Gawd
Sep 8, 2006
Using 8800gts 640mb. In the nvidia control panel I set AA to override application settings and set it to 4x but it does not work if HDR is enabled. Only if HDR is disabled I get the AA to work. Using 97.92 drivers. I actually didn't realize that Oblivion was not running with the AA on. I just assumed that it was on because I set it to on in the control panel. I always did notice some jaggies, but I didn't think much of them until today I disabled HDR and the jaggies were gone. I did some more testing and indeed the jaggies are only there when HDR is enabled. I thought you could use HDR+AA with the 8800 series, wtf?
The application has to support it.
Nvidia's drivers do, but the app must be able to as well.

For instance you can do AA and HDR in FarCry , but you must patch the game and add two new lines to the system.cfg
I'm pretty sure Oblivion supports it because all reviews of the 8800 series that use Oblivion as a benchmark have both aa+hdr on. I think I may have found out why it might not be working for me though. It seems the nvidia control panel is not working properly for me. Even if I disable hdr in Oblivion, and have aa enabled in the control panel, it still won't work. I need to have aa enabled in the Oblivion in-game setting. It seems that the override application settings option doesn't work as it is not overriding the app setting and I put it on both global and program specific. However, vsync works as I have it disabled on Oblivion but have it on "force on" in the control panel and it does lock my fps at 60fps. I have already unistalled drivers and used driver cleaner.
Make sure you have AA turned off in the game itself. Force it on from the control panel of the drivers with the Override option, and set it at whatever level you want.

It should work, I've had no problems having it working.
Make sure you have AA turned off in the game itself. Force it on from the control panel of the drivers with the Override option, and set it at whatever level you want.

It should work, I've had no problems having it working.

Yeah I do have it off in the Oblivion in-game setting, actually I have to set it off because turning it on auto disables hdr. The override option in the control panel is not overriding the game settings for aa. Maybe it's not working for you either. Do you notice a difference with it turned off/on?
Yes, I notice a difference, and our screenshots show that it is working in our evaluations of GF8 series cards.

Perhaps reinstalling your drivers?
Drivers have been uninstalled and reinstalled using driver cleaner.