Howto make networked drives autonomous?

a ronin

Jan 29, 2003
I just picked up an HP Media Vault 2010. Comes with 300GB and expansion bay for another SATA drive. As with many products out there, they neglect support for OS X and so I have to make due with what I have. It's hooked to my router and I can see via Network. I want to make it so that I don't need to manually mount it every time I turn on my computer. Is there a way to do this?

Mount it, then drag the icon from the desktop into the login items
(Sys prefs -> Accounts -> Login items)

edit 2: Ok, i was trying to drag it from the sidebar which doesn't work...
Excellent! Kaos's method worked like a charm.

I'm adverse to 'scripting'; just saying the word sends chills down my spine.

The only thing is the device does not go to sleep when my computer shuts down. I don't suppose there is an application that handles this?
If you want it to mount when you start your Macintosh, you're going to have to do something like put in an entry into fstab, or add an entry in Directory Access for NIS.

The exact details of what you need to do are dependent on how the drive is being advertised and shared on the network: SSH-FS, SMB, NIS, NFS, AFS, DAV, etc...

As KaosDG said, if you merely want it to mount when you log in, you can just drag the network drive icon to your System Preferences>Accounts>Login Items. Allow your credentials and password in your keychain for complete hands-off operation. You don't need any AppleScript to do it.

I use the latter method to mount WebDAV, AFS, and SMB shares, and they're always there after my MacBook wakes from sleep. (As long as my network is up, at least)
hmm, weird, I have read that just dragging it to login items doesn't work, it would just be listed as "unknown" in there instead of "volume" after a reboot...oh well...the program I linked still can do a couple other nifty things, like ping the NAS first to see if its up, or delay it from mounting.