HTPC in reverse?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 11, 2000
I'd like to eliminate the crappy little TV from my daughter's room. Can anyone think of an easy way to interface her VCR and GameCube through her computer to the monitor and sound system?
I believe a tv tuner with composite or svideo in would work. I know some of them (I think the ones with hardware decoding?) will cause some video lag, so you'd have to make sure you buy one that would work
Your simplest option is to replace the monitor with one that has an integrated tuner. A bit more cost up front...but you'll save it back in electricity need to run the PC just to play video games.
Yeah I believe the easist solution would be just to get a moniter that has A/V inputs on it, there are a few LCDs that do (I know that Dell offeres a few).
Yeah, I have an LCD TV like this but I was hoping for a much cheaper option
Ah, now that is the type of gizmo I'm looking for. Thanks