HyperV guest cannot access host share


Sep 7, 2008
Not sure what happened yet, but yesterday afternoon my VM's decided they don't want to access the share on the host.

This is my personal setup, so while not optimal, just one server is doing everything.

The setup... 2008 R1 DC with a pair of Intel Pro1000 dual port adapters in two 802.3ad teams on separate VLAN's. Team A is the general network and Team B is for ISCSI. Team A is assigned to the HyperV external network with sharing of the adapter with the host enabled.

I have one Win7 guest that needs accesses to a share on the host via a mapped network drive which had been working for a year or two prior to yesterday.

From any guest, I can access any other guest or physical machine's shares except the host.
From the host or other physical machine I can access all guest shares.
The guest can ping the host, look up domains and get an IP. Host runs DNS and DHCP.

The error on the guest when attempting to access the host share is network path not found and occurs using either URL or IP. All software firewalls are disabled.

So what am I missing. I've updated network drivers and rebuilt the network teams. Also tried a new internal network for the VM's and still can't see the shares.
What happens if you create another share on the host fo testing purposes and then try to access that from the guest?
Nothing changes with new shares. Even just doing a \\servername results in the error, can't see anything on the server.