I am having a “Vista” problem


Jun 26, 2004
I just built a new system and while I am testing it's overclock ability I have Gigabyte EasyTine6 installed

On my first reboot after installing EasyTune I got nagged by vista asking me to approve GUI.exe. At first I was like WTF is this but then I recognized the icon and realized it was EasyTune. So I tell it to continue and go about my testing. To my surprise I was nagged to approve GUI.exe again on the next boot up. Having been on Vista for over 2years now and never encountering something like this before I had just assumed Vista would remember that I approved it last time and not ask again.

Well clearly I was wrong since I was getting nagged again so told EasyTune not to start automatically on boot up thinking this would take care of it. Well yet again I was wrong and upon reboot I was nagged to again approve GUI.exe. So I hit continue on it again thinking EasyTune is going to load even though I told it not to. But nope it is listening and not loading like I told it too.

It's almost like EasyTune is set up so that it starts to load on every boot just to see if it was told to do so. I don't know how else to explain it. And going on this assumption I can not blame Vista for the issue since it really seems to be some piss poor programing choices by the developers.

I will eventually be removing this piece of software but for now I really need Vista to stop nagging me on every reboot. I believe this is a UAC issue but I do not want to disable UAC.

So what do I have to do to get Vista to remember that I approved a program as safe to run?

This is on Vista Home Premium 32 with SP2. But I also have some programs that I occasionally run on my Vista Ultimate 64 PC that also nag for approval every time that I would also like to take care of. I am not sure if the steps would be the same or not.
Uninstall EasyTune and do the overclocking manually in the BIOS. Simple.

I have to ask this, however: exactly how many times a day do you need to reboot? I don't know, but it sounds like perhaps you need to learn about Sleep/Standby or even Hibernate... there's no rational reason to power down a PC totally anymore - and if you do, then Hibernate it instead of a true shutdown.
It's not a UAC issue. It's a crappy software issue. That software wants to run in admin mode at all times which is bad.

I agree with Joe. Overclock via the BIOS and get rid of that shit EasyTune software.
Uninstall EasyTune and do the overclocking manually in the BIOS. Simple.

I have to ask this, however: exactly how many times a day do you need to reboot? I don't know, but it sounds like perhaps you need to learn about Sleep/Standby or even Hibernate... there's no rational reason to power down a PC totally anymore - and if you do, then Hibernate it instead of a true shutdown.

This isn't Linux, Solaris, AIX, ESX, or anything like that, that we're talking about. It's Windows. It's gonna need reboots. It's a desktop OS.

Start > Run > msconfig.exe [enter] > Tools > Disable UAC > Launch > type "exit" [enter] in command line window > ALT + F4 the MSCONFIG window...


and yes, always do OC's in BIOS. use software to monitor temps/speeds/fan/buses/multipliers...but not to OC
This isn't Linux, Solaris, AIX, ESX, or anything like that, that we're talking about. It's Windows. It's gonna need reboots. It's a desktop OS.

What does that have to do with it? You shouldn't need to do a complete shutdown multiple times a day with options like Sleep and Hibernate. Joe's comments where completely valid.
This isn't Linux, Solaris, AIX, ESX, or anything like that, that we're talking about. It's Windows. It's gonna need reboots. It's a desktop OS.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen stated around here, and an assumption on a massive scale that shouldn't be made in the first place...
Damn Joe some days you really seem to have your head up your....

You said it your self, Use the BIOS to overclock. Well guess what? I am, hence the need to reboot to make changes. Quit being an ass. My PC's Hibernate just fine.

EasyTune doesn't just overclocking and no where in my post did I say I was using it for that. Hell the fact that I even said it would be removed when I am done with it and am rebooting my PC left and right should have told you I can not be overclocking by software since once removed the overclock would be lost.

Also I already said I do not wish to turn off UAC entirely and that I do have other software that cusses UAC nagging every time I run it that I would like to resolve.

The shit you guys brought up was either covered in my OP or came from you all trying to read between the lines and going way off topic.

So now am I suppose to read between the lines and assume that UAC is an on or off thing with no way exclude programs from it's monitoring? If so wouldn't it have been far easier to just come out and say that?

I already know that UAC will not nag when programs are written properly but lets be real. Not all software has alternatives.. Some software is a take it or leave it kind of thing and I have more then one that cusses a UAC nag. If you all hate EasyTune so much then forget I even mentioned it. Really all EasyTine has done is make me want to know more about UAC.

So lets try this again. And lets start with a simple yes or no question.

Can UAC nagging of specific software be disabled with out disabling UAC entirely?

If yes can I get some info on how to do this or a link to a tech article explaining it?

My time googling it leads me to believe UAC is and all on or all off kind of thing and I will just have to live with it if I want UAC enabled. Witch seems to coincide with a lack of any real answer to my OP.
The word is "ass" and we're adults here, you can actually speak your mind, somewhat.

I'm not the only one that made the assumption about you using EasyTune for overclocking, so, excuse me for being the first responder. Next time I'll let someone else take the brunt of your ignorance. People see "EasyTune" and the word "overclocking" in a post and I guaran-fucking-tee you at least 99% of them - especially people that are members of this forum - will assume the exact same thing I did.

You never said you were overclocking in the BIOS, and again, the assumption goes with it since that's what anyone that uses EasyTune probably uses it for, primarily.

The answer to your question is NO.

Deal with it.
The word is "ass" and we're adults here, you can actually speak your mind, somewhat.

I'm not the only one that made the assumption about you using EasyTune for overclocking, so, excuse me for being the first responder. Next time I'll let someone else take the brunt of your ignorance. People see "EasyTune" and the word "overclocking" in a post and I guaran-fucking-tee you at least 99% of them - especially people that are members of this forum - will assume the exact same thing I did.

You never said you were overclocking in the BIOS, and again, the assumption goes with it since that's what anyone that uses EasyTune probably uses it for, primarily.

The answer to your question is NO.

Deal with it.

You made the assumption first and even chose to elaborate on it with totally unrelated shit. The rest ran with it.

Since the problem has nothing to do with ocerclocking I seen no need to mention how it was being done.

I could care less what people want to or like to assume. The thread had a topic and I expected people to stay on it especial since I gave enough information about what the actual problem was. But what I got was a rant about EasyTine. A piss poor attempt to educate me on proper overclocking techniques. And an attempt to inform me about hibernation, a feature we have had for how many years now? And that was just from you. I had another guy bring other operating systems in to it and then tell me how to disable UAC, something I said I didn't want to do.

You might go by Joe Average but in your time on this forum you should have realized you not the average around here. So your claim that 99% would act like you is laughable. It's hard to spend any amount of time on this forum with out reading a ton of post by you. And it takes no time at all to realize that your attitude is nothing like the average member of this board. Though this may some day be true. Since many have given up on entering a post once you have and more and more new members seem to like riding your coat tails. Hell the UAC nagging is no where near as annoying as what seems to happen to threads once you take over IMO.

That said, thanks for the answer, but maybe next time your could ignore my posts and save me the trouble of having to coax it out of you.
I don't think I've ever really tried to bypass UAC by always allowing it to run. Is it possible that you can get to the FOLDER permissions of the .exe that it runs from and give everyone full access to that folder? This way UAC may not bug you. This is strictly a guess! :D

EDIT: Not "it" I meant "allowing software to run". I've never used EasyTune.
EDIT 2: In bold... Jesus, long day!
You're welcome, even if it's not a "Vista" problem as the topic so brazenly announced...

Right click gui.exe
General Tab
(at the bottom) Unblock
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