I feel bad, I have crossed over to teh nvidia darkside


Aug 28, 2006
and picked up an nvidia 8800GTX. I feel like a traitor :( :( :eek:

There are some main reasons for this:

ATi's lack of new hardware. I have always liked ATi hardware and preferred them but they are lagging and right now even in CF mode, I wanted performance i wasn't getting. I didn't think an 2900XT would have done the trick because of the less than desirable reviews it has been getting. This includes reviews on noise and power consumption also.

Less power consumption. My PSU doesn't start whirring now once i fire up any game made in the last year by having to run 2 cards. I cant even hear the GTX and even though all i've played is portal so far, my PC is now very quiet. Once I fired up any recent game, I'd immediately hear the PSU start to kick up, and start kicking out heat. This card isn't breaking any sweat so far @1920x1200 resolution, which is what I try to game at if the game itself permits.

Putting my hand on the back of the nvidia card I can barely feel any heat at all, and barely any air to boot. Same goes for the PSU. I was skeptical on hearing the GTX idles at 60c but honestly, I dont feel it. If it was going to be cranking out a blow dryer of heat idling, it would have been taken right back. Not the case at all.

Kudos to nvidia, they have made a hell of a card here. If ATi can get their act together, I'm more than willing to give them another shot. I'm interested in seeing what they have to offer in the future;)

This opinion can change once I go full game on test mode though, this is my initial first opinion so far.......
Ive crossed the dark side on both fronts.
Went to an Intel chip, and just bought my first Nvidia card. I guess I will be a bandwagon jumper for life. Follow the performance!
Ive crossed the dark side on both fronts.
Went to an Intel chip, and just bought my first Nvidia card. I guess I will be a bandwagon jumper for life. Follow the performance!

If you mean "smart shoppper" when you say "bandwagon jumper", then yes...I agree. ;)
Well you'll really feel bad if the next ATI card comes out at half the price of the 8800GTX and out performs it.
Well you'll really feel bad if the next ATI card comes out at half the price of the 8800GTX and out performs it.

Why would he feel badly about it if the GTX does everything that he needs? Plus he's able to use it now rather than playing the waiting game.
I have always liked ATi hardware and preferred them but they are lagging and right now even in CF mode, I wanted performance i wasn't getting.
Just curious here -- not trying to incite any sort of war -- but why have you preferred ATi hardware? You waited a fair while to snag an 8800, so was there anything in particular about it that turned you off?

Proof or GTFO. Crap in your own thread.
Seems like it was just a hypothetical statement. A dangerous hypothetical statement (at least here), but I don't think he was implying anything.
Just curious here -- not trying to incite any sort of war -- but why have you preferred ATi hardware? You waited a fair while to snag an 8800, so was there anything in particular about it that turned you off?
What turned me off initially was the idle temps from the reviews. I thought it was going to be a blow dryer at idle. I just had to see for myself, and if it was, at least I could take it back locally. I saw this as a 'test' card.:D
Additionally, I always liked the ATi image quality and though their colors and video playback were better, up until now. That's just IMO of course. Looking at screenshots now, there is no difference whatsoever, I think that this nvidia card calibrated better than the x1900xt card color wise. I'm quite impressed. :D

Seems like it was just a hypothetical statement. A dangerous hypothetical statement (at least here), but I don't think he was implying anything.
Yeah, me too. No harm, no foul :eek:
The funny thing about most computer users - we will switch from generation to generation - going with the most "bang for the buck" - a few die hards hang with their favorite, reviews and data be damned.

Its kinda like cars - some people buy one type of car (think your grandpa who has bought a Buick every 8-10 years for his entire life) - whereas many people switched to Toyota/Honda when the quality was so much better - BTW its kinda starting to change on the car front - you'd be smart to get Consumer Reports if you're in the market for a car.
Don't feel bad. A computer is a tool, nothing more. It exists to perform the functions you wish it to perform. As such the parts you should buy for it are those that allow it to do those functions the best, for the least amount of money. You don't owe any brand any loyalty at all. Buy what's the best when you are ready to buy. If that means changing back and forth between nVidia and ATi every year, no problem.

Don't fall in to the fanboy mentality. Buy what makes you happy and don't worry about who makes it. If things are similar there's nothing wrong with giving preference to a brand you life, after all if they've been good ot you why change, but don't feel some kind of obligation.

Buy what works best for you, the fanboys can go cry in a corner.
Enjoy the silence. I was amazed at how loud I had to set the volume to hear anything in games with the X1900XT now that I have a GTS.:eek: I would have gone deaf, lol.
Enjoy the silence. I was amazed at how loud I had to set the volume to hear anything in games with the X1900XT now that I have a GTS.:eek: I would have gone deaf, lol.

these recent dual slot coolers used on the 8800 are considerably low volume compared to previous cards. It was a welcome surprise.
Resistance is Futile, you will be assimilated!

to OP:

Why would you feel bad about that? ATI wouldn't call you back after diner anyway. Nvidia will go to the movies with you and be your friend always:p
I never understood why people stick with brands even though another clearly has a better product.

My last card was an ATI, before that, nVidia and I too just purchased a 8800GTX :)

I've been with AMD since the K6 series of CPUs and haven't had an intel since the 486 but Intel clearly have the advantage at the moment so I got a Q6600. Admittedly AMDs have served me well over the last ~10 years but they just dont have a competitive CPU at the moment.
I feel like a traitor
I felt let down waiting for the R600 to come out, only to find out I wasted all that time.
As soon as I saw the reviews, I ordered a GTX. I was ready to buy the best performer. ATi or Nvidia. It happens to be Nvidia atm.
all this card loyalty is really dumb at times.. heck I even find the car loyalty thing a bit overrated too.

Unless ATI gets their drivers AND their cards in line with nvidia in terms of performance and stability, I will stick with nvidia. My biggest gripe with ATI is their bloatware of a driver which gets updated once in a blue moon.

Most of us may not agree that beta drivers are a good thing, but since the whole GeForce line was invented, nvidia's drivers have always shown progress while not being as insanely overloaded. I like competition, if such a thing exists at the moment because I haven't seen the 8800gtx or ultra move around much in price lately...
What the hell do you feel bad about? I've owned plenty of both brands of cards. You are pretty much nuts for waiting this long to join the side that's currently winning. ;)
I never understood why people stick with brands even though another clearly has a better product.

My last card was an ATI, before that, nVidia and I too just purchased a 8800GTX :)

I've been with AMD since the K6 series of CPUs and haven't had an intel since the 486 but Intel clearly have the advantage at the moment so I got a Q6600. Admittedly AMDs have served me well over the last ~10 years but they just dont have a competitive CPU at the moment.


that may be my next purchase, a Q or QX - I really would like to see what AMD comes out with though, if its quad core performers stack up to intel's latest offerings.
Well you'll really feel bad if the next ATI card comes out at half the price of the 8800GTX and out performs it.
I remember ATI people saying that when the GTX got released around the same time last year.....7 months later, they came out underneath nVidia with terrible drivers.
The "dark side" is one of the most cliche terms I see in tech forums. People are always crossing over to the dark side, and they can either be buying AMD, ATI, Nvidia, or Intel. Usually whatever is performing best at the time seems to be the "dark side."
The fact that you feel like a traitor means that ATI are doing their job promoting their brand.

I've never switched from Nvidia to ATI so I guess that I would feel like that too given the right circumstances, I'd like to think I'm above all that, but I'm probably not :p
Hey, I was at a LAN over the weekend. The guy next to me had an E6750 paired with a 8800gts 320 meg. My gaming rig is an AMD64 3800+ @ 2.78Ghz with an X1900XTX 512 meg. I'm sad to say, his rig SMOKED mine. His conroe was just faster in all aspects and the graphics were just amazing. We played the UT3 demo for a while and I was just stunned at how high he could set his eye-candy. When I left the LAN, I had a serious case of videocard envy.

The last Nvidia card I owed was a GF TI4200. It's been mostly ATI cards over the years, ( 9800PRO, X800XL, X850XT, X1900XTX ). I WAS considering getting an HD2900PRO or HD2900XT, but now my next videocard will be Nvidia and atleast an 8800GTS. Sorry ATI. You have to compete head to head or be ALOT cheaper.
I went from a Radeon 9250 to my 8600gt so I really can't compare, but I find
the Nvidia drivers and overall system a lot better than ATI's. Too bad my Processor and ram bottleneck this thing :( Time to plant another money tree I guess lol.
I did the same thing pretty much. I started with Nvidia back in the day. Owned a GeF3 Ti200 and then a GeF4 Ti4600. However I was really turned off by the whole FX line. Really turned off. I bailed on Nvidia and grabbed a 9800Pro. Then an x800xt-pe. Those ATi cards were awesome. But as things go, ATi started to loose ground once Nvidia started hitting back with the GeF 6 and 7 series. And now that the GeF 8 series is kickin ass, well, thats what's in my rig. I've barely had this GTX for a month now and I don't regret a thing. Chews through all my games with a little more speed and a lot less heat, noise and power draw than a hd 2900 could offer.

Best bang for the buck Chuck!!!
hmm...one thing i'm noticing is that i calibrated the monitor, and when I game it reverts to the monitors DEFAULT settings, not the CALIBRATED settings....
when I exit the game, it goes back to the calibrated settings. You can see the gamma change. I cant find a way to fix this, and its annoying:mad:

If there's a green light for ATi, it's the ability to reset the card settings so the game gamma matches the desktop gamma, fixing the problem at the video card level.

This is really irritating. Desktop looks great, games look terrible.

More surgery is required. I'm going in.
same here, i like my TI4600 very much, but when the FX lines came out, it was terrible, even when the 5700 and 5900 launched.
i was considering 5700U but it got beaten by 9600XT, then 5900XT which was higher priced than 9600XT, still can't beat that XT mainstream.
that's why i was ended up with 9600XT and be very happy, while performance was only came slightly above TI4600, the IQ was an absolute winning aspect.
and picked up an nvidia 8800GTX. I feel like a traitor :( :( :eek:

There are some main reasons for this:

ATi's lack of new hardware. I have always liked ATi hardware and preferred them but they are lagging and right now even in CF mode, I wanted performance i wasn't getting. I didn't think an 2900XT would have done the trick because of the less than desirable reviews it has been getting. This includes reviews on noise and power consumption also.

Less power consumption. My PSU doesn't start whirring now once i fire up any game made in the last year by having to run 2 cards. I cant even hear the GTX and even though all i've played is portal so far, my PC is now very quiet. Once I fired up any recent game, I'd immediately hear the PSU start to kick up, and start kicking out heat. This card isn't breaking any sweat so far @1920x1200 resolution, which is what I try to game at if the game itself permits.

Putting my hand on the back of the nvidia card I can barely feel any heat at all, and barely any air to boot. Same goes for the PSU. I was skeptical on hearing the GTX idles at 60c but honestly, I dont feel it. If it was going to be cranking out a blow dryer of heat idling, it would have been taken right back. Not the case at all.

Kudos to nvidia, they have made a hell of a card here. If ATi can get their act together, I'm more than willing to give them another shot. I'm interested in seeing what they have to offer in the future;)

This opinion can change once I go full game on test mode though, this is my initial first opinion so far.......

hate to break it to you, but NV isnt the dark side... its only what ATI has lead you to believe. .