I have a confession...


[H]F Junkie
Jul 13, 2004
I've never played Fallout. :( I've been hiding that dark secret for years, and it feels good just to get that out. ;)

But I just picked it up at Half-Priced Books and installed it. I selected the "Humongous" installation option to copy 640 MB of data to my hard drive.

I hope it runs. I feel like I've missed a huge part of gaming history.

I've also been thinking about buying an Xbox 360. Is that wrong?
I've also never played Fallout...

And buying another console is never wrong - it gives you access to more games.
Can't tell you about Fallout (heard its a great game, though), but if you want a 360, go for it! I love mine (although I haven't used it much as of late), but I am waiting for Mass Effect :D
Didn't play Fallout, but I played Fallout:Tactics (which I heard was the weaker of the three)...but I loved it, thought it was an outstanding game. If that was the 'bad' one, I can imagine what Fallout 1/2 is like!!

...that is, of course, if hybrid strategy is your thing...
Tactics wasn't fun for me. I've gotten 1 and 2, played 1 until the end, or at least I thought, when you had to return the water chip to the guy up in the console, and he gave me another mission... I played it for like 6 hours straight and I just said F that, no way I'm continuing, and got rid of both. Sucked when I started playing, got better for a bit, then sucked all over again. I don't know
Fallout is a very sweet game...both 1 and 2 rock if you like that style of game...there are so many different missions, and tons of tongue-in-cheek humor.
I've never played Fallout. :( I've been hiding that dark secret for years, and it feels good just to get that out. ;)

oh that! i thought u were gonna say you were gay or something ;)
i haven´t play Fallout either :eek:
I never played Fallout until I read all the praise for the games here in the Gaming forum. I spent $18 on a DVD that has all three titles (Fallout 1 & 2 and Tactics). Despite the old graphics, I'm really enjoying the games. I finished #1 and just started #2, which is a much more encompassing game. Fallout 1 spanned 150 days, but #2 takes place over 13 years!!

I really love the non-linear play. There are so many ways to go about playing through all the quests and the subtle humor is quite clever. I recognize a lot of the character voices, too. I hope Fallout 3 continues the brilliant storyline and gameplay of its predecessors.

Playing Fallout inspired me to get a few more classic vintage games I never tried: Deus Ex, System Shock 2 and Baldur's Gate 2.

I can't believe so many of you have not played Fallout! :eek:

Unless you hate every and any RPG beyond reason, pick the game up and play it! You'll be glad you did. :)