I think stay FAH

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[H]ard|DCer of the Month - January 2009
Jun 23, 2008
Well after many private messages and some help from our fellow [H]ard folders it seems that the once untouchable 7im has indeed fallen from grace.
This has restored some confedence that PandeGroup does infact listen to there users and will right at least what wrongs they can.
I want to say thank you to all that supported me in this effort and I need to say without the help I recieved in private this would not have been possable.
Thank you all for your patience in this time of weakness on my part. I hope never to have to go through this again.
I will be returning most of my clients to the FAH project effective immediately and I encourage everyone to do the same.
Please take a moment to enjoy the fact that this is all for a good cause and we should remember that people need our help.
We can help. Together, we can accomplish great things. Thanks for being part of the cure.
Welcome back to the "fold" brother Razor_FX_II :D (not that you really left and the pun was intended (fold) :rolleyes:)

Like I said in an earlier post please don't sweat the venting thing :D. A lot of us have vented the same way. :( A lot of the time concerning the dealing with 7im, the F@H forum and some of the ,IMHO. rude, sarcastic demeaning and unfeeling remarks and answers given by the "always correct" (only in their own minds :rolleyes:) F@H "chosen" :(. Sometimes it's just one thing after another with this Stanford F@H project. :( That's one of the reasons why I have such great respect for our "old timers", they've been through so many trials and tribulations with bad Wu's, unstable clients, the project terminations for some expensive gear (GPU1), gimongous light bills, sometimes hassles with significant others, 7im, etc and etc. Like brother Xilikon said maybe deaing with people like 7im is a "right of passage" in Stanfords F@H :confused:

Whatever the reality is I don't think there are better scientific DCing programs out there that expertly find cures for some very fu*ked up diseases than the Stanford F@H GPU2 program or the USC WCG program. Obviously I could be wrong, but until I'm convinced otherwise, it's gonna' be Stanford's F@H GPU2 for my GPU's and the USC WCG program for my CPU's ;)

With all the rambling above about to wear out another keyboard :rolleyes: I thank you for you're efforts and good work . I also hope you never have to experience crap like this again, but unfortunately you might have too :(

Keep the faith and fold on :p

Folding and WCGing for a CURE

Let me be the first (oops too late, second then :p) to thank you for pushing 7im off his tower pedestral and hoping he fall so hard that he cannot come back. I hope this will help cleanse the air on the FCF and to show that the PG care for the donors interests.

I also wrote a email to Vijay thanking him for pushing the mod team to make 7im leave it as a sign of appreciation.

This calls for a double! First Matt Millen and now this. Where's relic? :D

Glad to hear you are staying on the course. :) :cool:

'sif quit F@H. Keep up your good work. :) Here's some things that relic has written in our forum to encourage us in the past, I hope they help you as they have us.

Shadow Play

Soft cries echo and end
sorrow wafts in air stilled by death.
Again, calls the reaper
and again.
Pestilence our foe, conquers
Yet as the darkness prevails
We struggle to repel it's icy mantle
another falls.
So it continues for millennia
Unheeding of our misery,
Disease prances among our children
Blight thieves our wise
No retort had we to offer
No weapon keen enough
Nor might nor power grand enough
To dissuade the scourges of mankind
Now comes to the darkness
Our pinpoint's glean.
Flickers perhaps to disappear
Then strengthening it gathers
And another glimmer faint
joins the first
Tiny fireflies in the vast blackness.
Coalesced and emboldened
We gather to abate ill's encroachment
Resolute in our struggle.
Vast and daunting the dark cloak of disease.
Weak our light
Blackness' edge we shall not spy.
We care not, onward we battle.
For generations beyond us
In shimmering brightness
Shall stream shafts of light
Upon the dark pestilence
Long after the glow had begun.
And our small torches have fallen
Yet others will raise their beacons
And carried them forward
Toward a time without ill.
This end is all we ask
Naught for us, but for them


We do this for them
Those yet to be born
We do this for those
Whose memory we mourn

We do this for mom
Who is counting her days
We do this for children
Who are too weak to play

We do this for those
who can't do for themselves
We do this with honor
and take pride in ourselves

I do this for you
and you do it for me
For those future times
We cannot foresee.

We never shall falter
We shall never forget.
Our enemy, disease,
Shall not go un-met

Though our warriors are silent
and our battlefield unseen
Our resolve is as real
as any soldier's should be

Toward a day without sorrow
Toward a life without pain
Toward a world where the best
and the worst...are the same.

Fold on

Thanks for your encouragement in the past, relic.

P.S. It's all your fault.
Glad to be back, never intended on leaving, but had to show that I was serious about my commitment in getting 7im relieved of his moderator duties.
Now that he is, I'm back on board (never really left) and planning on some additional D soon.
I'm just glad it all worked out the way it did and I am very content with the results.
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