I used bill-me-later, now how do I pay it off?


Mar 22, 2005
I bought something with BML to save 10$, but now I want to pay it off so it doesnt sneak up on me in the future. How do I pay it off? :confused:
did you not receive an e-mail? log into where you purchased whatever it is you purchased, as they will have info on the BML stuff
this is why i use credit cards that have 0% for 1 yr
It was a preordered item (banjo kazooie) that shipped yesterday I think. I got the initial email for the order placement, but I didnt see anywhere to make the payment. I couldnt find anything like that in my profile management either.
Assuming you've got good credit. If your credit sucks you're not going to get 0% no matter how much you beg.
I use bill me later and payoff items within 2 months for the 0% interest