i want one...SO BADLY

Originally posted by AggieMEEN
A very nice looking case! I wonder what it is like to work with in reality, though?

its skyhawk, i hear only good things about them. its rackmount so out of box cooling might not be optimal but it has a 120 in already, put the best you can find there and figure out one for an exaust and youre set. i wouldnt be rackmounting it so id probabily make the 120 already there an output and put one blowhole style above the proc pushing into the case
i have a similar rack mount case, pretty good but needs more airflow in the back imo
I have that case at work, but in black. It's an alright case, nothing specail about it really. if you have a lot of things to put in it, it really sort of sucks at cooling. There really aren't any "exit" fans, or anywhere to mount them. The intake 120mm fan is nice, but the way the hard drives are positioned it just blockes the intake all together. It's hard to explalin but the way the HD's are positioned, they dont 'cool very well. Definatly not a good case if your trying to run a raid in it because of some poorly designed parts.
Originally posted by Techx
I usually splooge over hot chix, but hey.. thats just me

girls have gotten old and they cant be upgraded, and they get scared when you talk about putting a blowhole in em :p
The case is ok, but the guy who wrote the specs needs to go back to english class :rolleyes:
I imagine such a case would lend itself pretty well to watercooling of some of the core components, like CPU and GPU. It would be, perhaps, too tight a fit to have everything in one case, so I would be tempted to have another rack below this one for all the watercooling gear.






I remember that mod Sarver, nice job. Didn't realize till now it was the same case i purchased for our work server, lol :) I haven't seen a project of yours for a while, anything brewing up? (maybe i just haven't been looking close enought though either)
thats one nice rackmount by the looks of it.. though it comes to more than that at the end
Nope, nothing new with it. We don;t even use it as a server any more.

It's for sale if you're interested.

I now return you to your previous thread, already in progress.
Originally posted by Pherret
Sure you got free shipping there but how does $100 sound with shipping charge at newegg


Much love for Maxtop, I've been loving their cases for years now... I have yet to buy a rack case form them (yet) But I'm sure they're top quality

You can never EVER EVER go wrong with maxtop
Originally posted by Techx
I usually splooge over hot chix, but hey.. thats just me

Me too.

Very Nice Case by the way wish I just had a need for it lol.
Originally posted by Nonphixion
true.. true, but you've gotta admit.... nice rack.

hehe reminds me of this
