Ice cold - XBox360 - completely retarded.

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Wow....Maybe I could make another box and write Xbox 360 on it and get $650....But that would be a problem....Being that I actually have a conscience....
before the lock....
isn't that misleading...If I were stupid...the person's winning bid at 611 must be pretty pissed
I would say that seller got his account taken away because of that. It says he is "No longer a registered user" Many people tried pulling that crap.
People have been selling the box only for a while now...
Notice that except for 2 users, most people who bid on it are new users. Just because they bid on it and win the acution doesn't mean they will actually pay for it ;)
Vile said:
People have been selling the box only for a while now...
Notice that except for 2 users, most people who bid on it are new users. Just because they bid on it and win the acution doesn't mean they will actually pay for it ;)

Ahaha, I love his description, that's hilarious.

This is not even a factory made xbox 360 box. I made it myself, just a few minutes ago. It does not contain an Xbox 360 console, just the Xbox 360 home-made box. this box is great hand made by me says XBOX right on it It doesn't look anything like the picture I included in the auction. It looks much better, in my opinion.
Anyone remember the virgin merry grilled cheese?

Yeppers, sure do! If you get bored, you realize how many stupid things are on ebay...Like supposed possessed dolls...And that's just the start....
What's up with all the non-hot deals threads? Am I the only one getting annoyed?
This is not a hot deal. Stop posting ebay crap like this.
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