Idea for external redundant power supply. Will this work?


May 17, 2006
OK, while I type this out and make a little diagram, i'll start off with a basic question.

Can you hook up two power supplies to one computer, to create a redundant system where if one fails the other one is still purring along?
I want to use this in my 42U rack.

It's a $50 Norco RPC-231. Would look sexy above my RPC-4020.


I want to put a Corsair TX750 in the RPC-231 and hook the 24-pin to the back of the case, and a thick molex-type custom connector, and then run the connectors to the back of the RPC-4020 server and have the PSU mounted externally? Inside the server I'll have to split the molex with a custom connector (I have a molex crimper, pins, plastic ends, wire, etc) so that it can power the 8 pin for the CPU as well as power the hard drives and whatnot.

^ this is all possible, it would just take an afternoon of wiring. This would achieve better airflow in my server, keep a little heat away, and it would give me enough room to jam a half dozen more hard drives inside my chassis.

But then I get this idea...

My server draws like... 200-250w from the wall when it's in use, and it probably peaks at 450-500w when it boots up. My Corsair TX750 can handle at LEAST 750w if not more. Can I not just hook this power supply up with a 24-pin splitter so that the power supply is powering another computer that draws like 150-200w? This would help so much because I use these Dell Optiplex systems in the rack and they have really oldschool 20A power supplies and are probably inefficient as all hell.

So can one power supply connect like two or three computers together?

Still with me?

I'd like to connect TWO power supplies in the RPC-231 enclosure in the rack. I have a Corsair HX850 as well, so if the 750 (12v @ 60A) and 850 (12v @ 70A) are connected SOMEHOW in parallel, this would give me like a peak power draw of almost 2kw. Plus they are both super efficient power supplies and the load will be 50% on each.

If my fileserver draws 250 and peaks at 500, and my gaming computer draws 250 and peaks at 500, then lets say the Dells draw 100 and peak at 200 (with two units)...

That's like 700w constant and 1400w at absolute max. Just total ballpark numbers.

If the HX850 were to die, the TX750 can support all four systems.
If the TX850 were to die, the HX850 can support all four systems.
^ At least, while they were idling and not booting.

Am I making sense?

Honestly, I wouldn't even care if the system was redundant. I'd just like to have four systems connected to a super power supply to gain all that efficiency and have all that extra room inside.

I'm going to MS Paint something up.