If you could have ant _1_ item from a game IRL, what would it be?

The Tri-Force of Power!

O_O* I think that beats out my idea of the portal gun...

but since you just took it, I guess I'll have to settle for the Triforce of Wisdom,

"There is no knowledge that is not power" - Raiden

fallout 3 mesmotron
You guys who want in-game superweapons for real life are totally missing out.

What's the point of having a BFG or a mini-nuke or rail gun etc. in real life? You need the mind controllers, time machines, babe attractors, etc. etc. etc.
Smaller than a bus . . . I guess that rules out a Battlemech. So I'll go with the pet Shambler from the Quake expansion pack Scourge of Armagon.
Invisibility Belt

Nothing like walking into a bank and causing a poltergiest incident.
Nanosuit from Crysis coupled with a Shock Rifle from UT 99 (especially for the shock combo ability) :cool:
LOL i had to after your post! This shit is unbelievable!


Who would agree to making their relationships with a doll(s) public like that o_O
Reminds me of the film 'Cast Away' and Tom Hanks' friend Wilson. Although as far as I know, Wilson didn't give anything other than psychological 'satisfaction'

I bet if you "killed" these guys' dolls they would become very sad and depressed (and not just because of the money they lost... apparently these things cost like $4000!!!). :(
I would take the USS Enterprise D from the Star Trek games. Space Travel, Time Travel (with some difficulty) Weapons and the Holodeck FTW. You could make billions just on selling time in the holodeck alone.

Why Q's powers? Not only that, the Sovereign class beats the Galaxy class in every category.

If I can't get Q's powers, I would take Urza's Eyes from MTG. Nothing like being able to teleport anywhere and have magical powers!
Anyway, I'm surprised no one mentioned the BFG 9000 from Doom.
Anyway, I'm surprised no one mentioned the BFG 9000 from Doom.

I thought lots of people said the BFG from Doom.


LOL, goodluck
The BFG 9000 of Doom 3 is the ultimate gun. BFG (acronym for "Big Fucking Gun") shoots a slow-moving ball of green plasma that contains a small computer chip. This chip identifies and shoots rays at opponents before the initial explosion that will kill most demons near the blast. Shooting the chip induces a less than optimal explosion. This version of the BFG can be charged up (consuming up to all four charges in the gun) to deliver an even more powerful blast essentially capable of destroying any non-boss monster it makes contact with.
bfg 9000 tfw
time suit from time shift :), time travel beats any gun or robot or anything. I just go back in time and kill you before you even though of getting that super gun or that killer robot! and i could freeze time and feel up all the chicks around hehe. You could just walk into a bank freeze time empty the vault and go home a rich bastard.
its not a game but the teleportation from the movie jumper, that would be pretty sweet ;)
The suit from Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time. Has cloaking, you can project yourself to be anyone after capturing their image, and you can travel to any point in time.