If you could, would you?

:D :D

and not the dirty nasty stuff that usually shows up
In a configuration, you could get 2000Cores running 1Ghz each.... That's nearly what FLECOM has for his folding output in a box :) Downside - it's gonna set u back lots of monies.

SMP Client FTW in this setup :)

roftranspo said:
you need to move to a cooler environment Intelboy ;) :D
Or go underground... I want to have an underground house one day

ICE_9 said:
Nah. Black+AZ summer = :mad:

ya dude, heat = teh loose

i live in miami... and its almost as hot as over there... but like constant 95%+ humidity... its like walking through hot sticky mist... it sucks :(
ICE_9 said:
Nah. Black+AZ summer = :mad:

Hey man, to make you feel any better, I used to Live in Montana, where in a normal Winter it would snow 12ft. Now imagine opening your garage door to see that.

I thought that they are using Solar power out there, but that is a thought.
I keep looking at solar power, but the setup I need is somewhere in the range of 20-40k. Interesting yes, affordable no. :(
ICE_9 said:
Nah. Screw the snow. I hate scraping windows.

Looking at the post combined with your screen name I got a chuckle.....
Irony is present.

If I had the cash I would build a pole barn and fill it with Blades. That'd be more fun. I'd have every PC compatible OS ever developed running at once. To heck with the Black box..... I want 1000 Rack boxen. ;)
Jon855 said:
Or go underground... I want to have an underground house one day
I think, then, you would be most rewarded to consider.....THIS Points for identifying the quote!

I've got my eyes on that Titan II near Denver. Now to come up with the $1.3M to buy it and the $5 to turn it into a geek's dream home...
unhappy_mage said:
Silly question... what's the $5 for? :confused:
Whoops. I missed the "M". it should read "$5M to turn it into a geek's dream home"
Just read the title of this post and followed the link. Two words: Stupid Question - of course we would :p
kaleb_zero said:
Just read the title of this post and followed the link. Two words: Stupid Question - of course we would :p

marty9876 said:
i dont know about that....have you seen this pic:

I have been gone for nearly a year......
I came closer to death than I care to think about most days....
I lost a job, found a job and have been working again for 5 months.....
And all the while.....
I thought the one thing I had to look forward to through it all was that I'd never see than picture again.

Ah here is my sweet revenge to that Picture, sure you will see it be posted again, but the judgement has been decided.

edit, remove the graphic picture or offending picture.
Why does it seem that a certain person whom just like to single out and pick on someone. ^ and each time I say something about it, he or she thinks it is in their best to shut me out.

Now to get it back on topic. If I could I would not, because where would I put it, power it and explain to the irs that I have something w/o income coming in.
Scorpionjwp said:
Why does it seem that a certain person whom just like to single out and pick on someone. ^ and each time I say something about it, he or she thinks it is in their best to shut me out.
What are you talking about? I was referring to the thread as a whole. It is not always about you...